At first take it sounds so incredibly ridiculous as to be unworthy of serious consideration, but the more you look into the matter, the more the conclusion becomes inescapable: Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim sympathizer who enables terrorism, aiding our enemies, and thus, he is worthy to be charged with treason.
In the beginning we should have read the signs: from the apology tour to bowing before the Saudi king, to the declarations in Cairo and refusing to directly reference a “war on terror,” this man has demonstrated preference for America’s enemies, denigrating the U.S. and her allies at every turn. The heart of Obama is measured in the words of his pastor for 20 years, Jeremiah Wright, who proclaimed: “G*d D**n America.”
Obama has orchestrated the leaking of classified information to hurt our country and help our enemies, making himself look good to retain power and forward the agenda: knock down American to build up global government.
US Leak on al-Qaida Threat Could Aid Enemy
Obama ‘Leaking Info on Israeli Strikes in Syria’
Former Top General Now Reportedly Being Investigated by Obama Admin. for Leaks
Former CIA Operative on Intel Leaks: Obama Admin’s Claims of Innocence ‘Absurd’
Obama left Iraq prematurely and we see the resulting destruction: a country once poised to be a beacon of freedom in the world, now a nexus of terrorism, a vassal of Iran. Telegraphing the end game, Obama has handed Afghanistan back to the Taliban and al Qaeda. Pouring weapons into Syria, he helps Jihad annihilate Christians, arming thugs who murder women and children with great efficiency. These are not accidental failures. They are purposeful, calculated developments designed to shame the U.S., and forward the cause of Sharia in the world.
Obama’s Failure in Iraq
How Obama Gets Us to Forget His Failure in Afghanistan
Obama Ignored Syrian Christians’ Requests for Weapons
Obama just released $500 million to Hamas, a terrorist organization whose mission statement is the annihilation of Israel, a group thoroughly coordinating with Iran. That’s on top of $147 million he sent to Hamas last year.
Obama overthrew Mubarak in Egypt, unleashing violence, death and turmoil in that country for the last two years. Then he armed the Muslim Brotherhood, embraced their members, and appointed them to positions of authority in our own government. (cont’d below)
Do we even have to mention Benghazi?
SEAL massacre in Afghanistan two years ago: families speak out!
Releasing Gitmo terrorists and leaving our soldier in the hands of the Taliban:
Consider his hatred for Israel, and this latest atrocity:
And now the retreat throughout the Arab world, showing cowardice and weakness, once again.
Add all this to the increase in attacks on the homeland, negligence in securing our borders, increases in homegrown terrorism, and efforts to promote Sharia in America, and the unbelievable becomes the unavoidable reality: the President of the United States is the enemy of the United States.
Image: President Barack Obama prepares to visit the Sultan Ahmed I Mosque, April 7, 2009, in Istanbul; source: http:// www.whitehouse.gov/photogallery/In-Europe/photo-cat29/;author:Pete Souza Link back to Creator infobox template wikidata:Q2073333; public domain
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