Islam, at its very core — is a nasty and ruthless credo that defecates on the immutable tenet that “all men are created equal.” Its foundation is constructed on a belief that all non-Muslims (particularly Jews, Christians and women) are sub-human and therefore worthy of the most brutal forms of subjugation.
Our nation’s sixth president, John Quincy Adams — wrote the following about Islam and its prophet: “The essence of his doctrine was violence and lust: To exalt the brutal over the spiritual part of human nature.”
While our system of jurisprudence is based on equal protection under the law — Islamic law (Sharia) demands that all non-Muslims either convert, pay an onerous tax (jiyza), or face execution.
In fact, ever facet of Sharia law not only violates our First Amendment — but actually obliterates it. If a Christian is caught proselytizing — in any of the major Islamic nations around the globe — he faces the very real possibility of being exterminated.
That’s right! Those who dare utter the name Jesus on the streets of Riyadh or Tehran face extermination via the very methodology deployed by the Prophet Mohammed — beheading.
And lest we forget — organization such as CAIR, ISNA and SMA are all laboring assiduously to replace our Constitution with Sharia law.
Yes, these groups are toiling feverishly to shove Koranic doctrine down our collective throats.
You better believe that the leaders of these crazed Islamic organizations desire to see every American woman don a burqa while being stripped of all their inalienable rights.
John Quincy Adams capsulated Islam when he wrote that “The precept of the Koran is, perpetual war against all who deny, that Mahomet is the prophet of God.”
Yes, a “perpetual war” that will bring about a global Islamic empire.
What do you think jihad is all about?
It’s time to drive a bayonet through political correctness, gird up our man-fruit and — Just Say It: Islam Is Un-American.
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