Overseas, the Arab Spring is turning into the Arab Nightmare that everyone but the Obama administration always saw coming.
At home, the Obama Crew is fighting to socialize all of America’s health care system, strangling the energy industry with new emissions regulations, and being exposed for ordering federal employees to spy on each other.
And what do our mainstream media think is the most important issue of the day?
The minute-by-minute play-by-play of the Zimmerman trial.
Yes sir, America.
Don’t worry your little heads about the coming chaos in the Middle East. Or how the Obama administration’s neutral position in the Egyptian coup is going to make it a virtual certainty Egypt will explode into a long and bloody religious civil war.
Don’t worry about revelations that the federal government has been merrily intercepting our email, scanning the envelopes of our snail mail, and collecting communications data traveling on our undersea cables.
And don’t worry about the weekly slaughter of dozens of young blacks by other young blacks in the streets of Chicago.
What the TV media think is really important to all of us is whether “white Hispanic” George Zimmerman killed a young black kid in self defense, as he says he did, or whether Zimmerman stalked and shot Trayvon Martin because he’s a racist creep and a wanna-be cop.
It doesn’t matter to the TV media what the evidence is. It doesn’t even matter to them whether Zimmerman is guilty of second-degree murder or manslaughter or nothing at all.
The TV media found the perfect white-on-black crime to exploit, and it exploited it to the max, stirring up racial passions and getting the ratings they wanted.
Of course, the TV media — which have exaggerated the case far beyond its social or political importance — are saying they sure hope an innocent verdict for Zimmerman doesn’t create riots in the streets.
Yeah, right.
If riots come, you can bet the TV media will be on hand en masse to fan the flames — and spike their ratings — as long as they can.
The Zimmerman trial has been covered to death by TV, but there’s little about the trial that’s important to us in the long run.
It’s a tragic — and rare — case that has been cynically milked and exploited by TV and professional race-baiters such as Al Sharpton.
What’s important is what’s happening in Egypt.
Photo credit: Brian Chiu
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