***When I Stumbled on this info I Said This Is Gotta Be Some Sick Twisted Joke !! and yes this is most likely a satire***
Read Below
Singer Chris Brown paid Ariel Castro's bail today, saying the Cleveland kidnapper is a "misunderstood figure" who is being unfairly treated by the criminal justice system.
Castro was arraigned yesterday on charges of kidnapping and rape stemming from his abduction and decade-long captivity of three local women who escaped from his home earlier this week.
His bond was set at $8 million in an effort to ensure he remained locked up during his trial. Castro got some unexpected help today, however, when a lawyer for Brown arrived in Cleveland and put up the 10% deposit required for his release.
"I just wanted to help a brother out," says Brown, who is noted for his misogynistic life philosophy, "this Castro guy is a complicated figure, and not all he did was bad. I got cash to spare, so why not?
"So far these are just allegations. He hasn't been convicted of anything. And even if we assume he's guilty, these charges have been way overblown by the media."
According to legal experts, Brown paying $800,000 in bail doesn't guarantee Castro's release. Prosecutors may charge Castro with additional crimes in hopes of increasing his bail and preventing that outcome.
"There's no way we're letting him out," says one source close to the prosecution, "No matter how much money Chris Brown puts up, we'll think of something."
But in an exclusive interview, Brown says keeping Castro behind bars indefinitely would be a mistake.
"No one has heard his side of the story," he explains. "He gave those three young ladies free food, clothing, and room and board for 10 years. That's like a $100,000 value each. You never hear the media talk about that.
"Look, I don't agree with everything he did. Some of these allegations are just terrible. But no one's talking about the possibility that this all could have been a setup.
"In my experience, you can't trust females. I don't care if it's your wifey or just some ho you meet at a club - women always be lying. We don't know what really happened. We're just listening to what the media wants us to hear."
Indeed it is Brown's own history of negative media coverage which he claims drives his sympathy or Castro.
"I know what its like for the media to take one tiny little domestic dispute and blow it all out of proportion," he points out. "So I got your back Ariel. Don't let them females get you down brother."
Brown's attorney, Saul Goodman of Albuquerque, N.M., says he will also be henceforth representing Castro at Brown's expense.
"It's gonna be challenging," says Goodman, "but I'm used to dealing with some rough characters."
Source : http://dailycurrant.com
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