Most people believe that all of the challenges to Barack Obama’s eligibility to be President of the United States ended on January 20, 2013 when he was sworn into office for the second time.
But they haven’t, and although most people watching what is happening say it will have little if any effect on Obama’s presidency, I beg to disagree.
In December 2012, it was reported that a lawsuit challenging Obama’s eligibility in Alabama was being appealed to the Alabama Supreme Court. The lawsuit claims that Alabama Secretary of State Beth Chapman had failed to verify the eligibility of everyone appearing on the November ballot. Had she done so, the suit claims that Obama would not have appeared on the ballot.
The lawsuit was filed on behalf of Hugh McInnish and others and is being handled by Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and the Klayman Law Firm of Washington.
What makes this case different than most of the other cases is who the case is being heard in front of. Roy Moore, was re-elected as the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court. Moore is very much a constitutional attorney and judge and has not fallen to the liberal misinterpretations of the Constitution that so many other judges have succumbed to. It is no secret that Moore has made previous statements that indicate his doubt of Obama’s eligibility.
Democrats and Obama’s attorneys have been trying to make this case go away. Last week they stated:
“In order for one to accept the claim that President Obama’s birth certificate is a forgery [and that he is ineligible], one has to buy into a conspiracy theory so vast and byzantine that it sincerely taxes the imagination of reasonable minds.”The statement from the Democrats also quoted a renowned constitutional authority, late-night comedian Jimmy Kimmel who said:
“These people could have personally witnessed Obama being born out of an apple pie, in the middle of a Kansas wheat field, while Toby Keith sang the National Anthem – and they’d still think he was a Kenyan Muslim.”According to WND, Klayman plans on providing what he believes to be definitive proof that the birth certificate produced by the White House is a forgery and that the parties who put the document out committed fraud. To refresh your memory, here is what Sheriff Joe said last year:
According to the WND report, Mike Zullo was quoted as saying:
“We recently discovered new irrefutable evidence, which confirms, hands down, the document is a fraud.”They also report that Sheriff Joe has been actively pursuing the case and advancing it towards federal prosecution. The report stated:
“As Carl Gallups (PPSIMMONS founder and host of Freedom Friday With Carl Gallups) and Mike Zullo (lead investigator of the Sheriff Joe Arpaio Cold Case Posse) have been telling us, things are moving closer to bringing the fraudulent Obama birth certificate case to a level of federal prosecution.”
“According to Zullo, there are increasing numbers of people … that will not only bring the case to the public light, but also to a high level of legal prosecution.”
“Mike Zullo has confirmed … that the Maricopa County Cold Case Posse will assist in the Alabama Supreme Court Case. … Sheriff Arpraio wants us to fully cooperate with Alabama and Justice Moore in this case…”
Like a stated earlier, most experts say that even if the Alabama Supreme Court rules that Obama is not eligible to be president that it won’t change the outcome, but I beg to differ. Obama won with 332 Electoral College votes to Mitt Romney’s 206. Romney carried Alabama so it would not change the results.
However, if similar lawsuits are filed in states that Obama won, using the Alabama case as the precedent, that 126 vote lead could dwindle. What if similar suits were filed and won in Florida (29 votes), Ohio (18 votes), and Pennsylvania (20 votes) and you suddenly find that the results would be 265 Electoral votes for Obama and Romney would have 273 votes and the White House. It doesn’t have to be those states, but any combination of states that would take away 64 Electoral votes from Obama and give them to Romney. If challenges were made in 26 states that Obama won, using the Alabama precedent, it would only take a few victories to change the election and American history. Although the odds are against it, we can still hope for a miracle, can’t we?
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