by: Joe Kovacs
President Barack Obama delivers a speech at the Anthropology Museum in Mexico City, May 3, 2013.
PALM BEACH, Fla. – President Obama is sending secret, coded messages
to Mexicans, letting citizens south of the border know that he agrees
with their contention that much of the Southwestern U.S. rightfully
belongs to Mexico, claims radio host Rush Limbaugh.Last week, Obama addressed students at the Anthropology Museum in Mexico City, saying, “Our attitudes sometimes are trapped in old stereotypes. Some Americans only see the Mexico that is depicted in sensational headlines of violence and border crossings – and let’s admit it. Some Mexicans think that America disrespects Mexico, or thinks that America is trying to impose itself on Mexican sovereignty or just wants to wall ourselves off. And in both countries, such distortions create misunderstandings that make it harder for us to move forward together. So I’ve come to Mexico because I think it’s time for us to put the old mind-sets aside. It’s time to recognize new realities, including the impressive progress of today’s Mexico.”
Limbaugh says he was at first puzzled by Obama’s statement that America was imposing its sovereignty on Mexico, before it finally struck him.
“This sovereignty business, this is significant. This is not a throwaway. That’s a dog whistle,” he said.
“It’s a huge dog whistle to radicalized young Hispanic voters. What he did was send signals to that voting block beneath the radar, because most people not gonna understand what is sovereignty business. That block that’s underneath the radar – Telemundo, Univision – he’s telling them that he agrees with them that California should still be Mexico and that New Mexico should still be Mexico.”
Limbaugh indicated Obama counts on the mainstream of America not hearing or understanding what he’s saying in speeches meant for foreigners.
“But we just blew his cover decoding this,” he continued. “I won’t be surprised if we get some blowback on this. They’ll start calling me a bunch of names and accusing me of making things up or accusing me of harboring hate for all these people. Accusing me of, once again, Limbaugh goes off on an extreme tangent, expect something like that, because this is huge. There are radicalized Mexicans [who believe] California’s still theirs, particularly Southern California. Arizona, New Mexico, radicals. And Obama’s just fueled ‘em. He just told ‘em he agrees with ‘em.”
Limbaugh called the coded messages “a big deal,” adding:
He didn’t talk about Mexico immigration policy. He didn’t talk about Mexico’s need to reform its government, its socialist policies. He didn’t talk about how America helps Mexico financially. He didn’t talk about how we feed and clothe and educate and provide health care to even those from Mexico who are illegally in the United States. The sovereignty business, if you wanted to go to an extreme, you could almost say that Obama has it actually backwards, that it’s Mexico imposing its sovereignty on us. Because we are being made to feed, clothe, and house and provide health care for its citizens. Is Mexico doing that for American citizens? Huh! Try to go down there and become a Mexican. You can’t do it. Their immigration laws, you don’t even want to mess with it, folks. You do not want to mess with it. They do not play games with their immigration.In one final political dig, Limbaugh noted, “By the way, the warmonger president who took Mexico, James Polk, was a Democrat. Abraham Lincoln was a Republican.”
When has a president of the United States ever attacked America’s sovereignty? I think this is a first. I am not aware of any president ever attacking America’s sovereignty. And in coded language, which is what this was, he’s winking and nodding and dog whistling to the radicalized – not all of them – the radicalized Hispanics. (imitating Obama) “I get it, I get it, we should never have taken Mexico. It’s really yours. I get it, I get it. We’ve been mean. We’ve been imposing our way too long.” Time for a new mind-set.
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