oped: If I said it once I have said it a hundred times..Paul Ryan is just another John Boehner...a self serving go along to get along typical politician who only cares about getting elected and enhancing his personal financial portfolio..back door kick backs...the great state of Wisconsin needs to replace this moron this election cycle!
And for the record Congress nor the Obama administration has the authority under the US Constitution/Bill of Rights to rewrite much less ban history!
Educate yourselves on US History 101: http://sharlaslabyrinth.blogspot.com/2013/02/barry-barack-obama-is-new-anthony.html
There has always been this ever-present balance to be struck between liberty and license. All free societies have had to weigh the cost of banning free expression. On the one hand, there is the threat of inciting riots with free speech, but on the other is the slippery slope of censorship.
If the federal government can restrict your expressions, then they can eventually silence all who oppose them politically. It is hard to stop this slide into totalitarianism once it has started. So now, we see that it has begun.
Breitbart reports
In a roll-call vote, the House voted 265 to 159 to block descendants of Confederate veterans from flying the historic banner over mass graves even on the days when flags have been permitted in the past.Now, being that all veterans of the War Between the States have been declared to be American Veterans, this is a slap in the face to the families of these men. But this is not really the toughest issue. It is the Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan’s reaction to taking the vote.
Democrats hailed the move as a strike against “racism, slavery and division, as Ryan warned opponents that they are just going to have to “take it” when votes don’t go their way.
Breitbart continued
House Speaker Paul Ryan tells his Republican party members they’d better get used to “taking tough votes,” such as one to ban the Confederate flag at historic cemeteries controlled by the federal government.
Speaker Ryan seemed to insist that the issue wasn’t important enough for Republicans to fight for.
“People are going to have to take tough votes,” Ryan said at a press conference. He went on to say that the issue wasn’t as important as his budget plan saying “the last thing we should do is derail our own appropriations process” by getting too contentious over banning the historic symbol at national cemeteries.
Once again we see that Ryan is campaigning and carrying water for Democrats. Though they have the majority and most of their constituents would not want this vote passed, they are just going to have to suck it up.
Well, I was glad this clown, and his running mate did not get in four years ago, but boy am I happy now. They would have given half the country away by now. This is disgraceful.
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