day has come in America when we are facing overt hostility to
Christianity, free speech, and freedom of religion through coordinated
assaults by the Obama administration, extremist groups, and corporate
bullies. If we all stand our ground, we can and will defend our
constitutionally guaranteed freedom of religion and right of conscience.
Please see my very important update below – Mat.
Please see my very important update below – Mat.
At a commencement address this past weekend, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas urged Hillsdale College graduates to lead by example. Hearkening to Jesus' words in Matthew 5:15, he exhorted them ... "Do not hide your faith and your beliefs under a bushel basket, especially in this world that seems to have gone mad with political correctness."
this U a world gone mad with political correctness! In this new Obama
era of social re-engineering, the LGBTQ lifestyle trumps our religious
liberty and right of conscience.
Recognizing the historic crossroads America has reached, Liberty Counsel is calling upon people of faith throughout the nation to be bold and to stand against the forces destroying the foundations of our nation.
unchecked, our nation, our government, our judicial system, our
culture, and our way of life will be radically changed – fundamentally
transformed, to use Barack Obama's phrase – unless we are prepared to
aggressively meet the challenges that lay immediately ahead.
+ + We are asking Americans who believe in biblical morality to stand with us!
No form of government, even the most repressive socialist dictatorship, can restrain a free people! Together, we can "Take Back America" – but we cannot hesitate or cower under the vicious assaults carried out by extremists with the backing of an out-of-control federal government!
Liberty Counsel is actively engaged in judicial and legislative battles across the nation, standing against those who want to redefine marriage and reengineer our culture. In fact, we are fighting at the epicenter of the battle for the soul of America. There are many giants attacking our beloved nation, but we can overcome them if we pray and work together!
Our biggest hurdle is having the financial resources needed to stand against deep-pocketed adversaries, including our own government's agencies operating under the banners of the Departments of Justice, Education, HHS, EPA, the IRS, and a host of bureaucrats funded by our tax dollars.
Please help us build our war chest to protect our cherished liberties with as generous of a gift as possible. Every dollar matters!

Bishop E.W. Jackson, a prominent signer of our Pledge to Defend Marriage last summer, hit the nail on the head when he told CNSNews, "It is as if a collective madness has settled over our nation's elite and they are trying hard to bring everyone under the same cloud of confusion."
In a world gone mad with political correctness, Liberty Counsel is a leading national voice for sanity.
I pray that you will continue to stand with us in prayer and financial support. You,Patriot make possible our efforts to stand against the insanity enveloping our nation and culture.
God bless you,
Mat Staver
P.S. Please pray for us! We often face very mean-spirited adversaries who want nothing more than for us to be silenced so that they can go unimpeded in advancing their secularist agenda.
More information on this and our many other initiatives can be found at
+ + Comments? Questions?
Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family. Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 . 407-875-1776
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