Oped: The No Fly List was established for open cases on terrorist activity..it was not intended for a general catch all....it is being abused by the Obama administration to quite frankly screw with people who do not support the Obama administration policies. There are no oversights on who can be placed on the list so in reality anyone can be placed on the list for no reason at all...and FOI requests are denied...I do believe this is in violation of the US Constitution Bill of Rights under unlawful search and seizure without due process!
On the bright side the idiot N.Y congressman Dem Steve Israel just helped with CCW permits since one does receive a background check in order to receive a CCW permit...so under his proposal anyone who has a valid CCW is automatically exempted from the Bill proposed... hey y'all get your permit now!
by Kelly
New York Democrat Rep. Steve Israel has claimed that his party will “force and even shame” the GOP into passing gun control in the aftermath of the San Bernardino terror attacks.
The ruse the Dems are using will attempt to force the government to impose a background check on all people listed on the “no-fly” list before they can purchase a firearm. It’s typical liberal posturing. It’s designed to make people feel like the government is doing something to make them safer. Poppycock!
For a start, the no-fly list is massively inaccurate, so inaccurate that Ted Kennedy (fraud and murderer maybe, but not a terrorist) was himself listed on it and prevented from boarding a plane. It also contains family members of the listed people, people with similar names, and all the usual errors we associate with government bureaucracy including the inclusion of people who have not been convicted of doing anything wrong. And don’t take our word for it. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) that bastion of the Left, is suing the government over the no-fly list’s inaccuracy.
Second, the list is secret (For counter-terrorism reasons, apparently. You only find out you’re on it when you’re stopped by the TSA.) Which means that if the government is going to prevent you from purchasing a firearm by adding youth a secret list – a breach of your second amendment rights – it will also breach another constitutionally protected right, to due process, because you won’t be able to defend your good name, as you won’t know you’ve been targeted.
Third, do we trust the government not to add people it doesn’t like to the no-fly list? I don’t. There must be a long list of people the governments hates enough to ground in one place and deny them a firearm?
When Obama said, “why would we want to give a terrorist a semi-automatic weapon?” he made out the no-fly no-gun idea was a wonderful, sensible thing. Except terrorists weapons are seldom legal. They will always work around the law. And in the meantime regular Americans will lose constitutional rights.
So don’t fall for the ruse from Steve Israel who said, “House Republicans have absolutely no defense on the issue … and we intend to use every single tool in our toolbox to force and even shame House Republicans into making it harder for terrorists to kill Americans.” That’s not what this is about. It’s another opportunity by the Left to strip away our Constitutionally mandated and Supreme Court-backed rights as American citizens.
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