oped: This is why the looney left progressives support #PlannedParenthood/Islam/Sharia Law Abortion on demand = Honor Killing !
After the Egyptian grandfather of a two-year-old pulled her from her sleeping mother’s arms and raped her, the mother responded not by killing the vile grandfather but by killing the innocent child.
The Dubai-based Emirates 24/7 news network reported that the mother, Merfat, 23, drowned her daughter using a water bucket so as to avoid creating a scandal and bringing dishonor to her family.
Thankfully, authorities somehow found out about the honor killing and immediately arrested both the 59-year-old grandfather and his equally despicable daughter on charges of rape and murder, respectively.
Karama Press added that a local medical examiner found “traces of blood” in the child’s anus.
These sorts of stories, however heinous, represent a sad and horrifying trend born out of Shariah law, a medieval system of governance that teaches people that a family’s alleged honor matters more than anything else.
This means in effect that women and children alike often must suffer sexual abuse in complete and utter silence, lest their family disowns or even outright murders them.
In this case, sadly, the child did not even have that meager option, because her mother decided to sacrifice her life on the altar of her family’s purported honor.
What makes this story that much more frightening is the fact that according to an admittedly unscientific opt-in poll conducted by the Center for Security Policy three months ago, 51 percent of Muslims in America agreed that they “should have the choice of being governed according to Shariah.”
It’s frightening to think that even 1 percent of American Muslims could support the actions of this mother.
H/T Mad World News
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