
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The Left Uses Terrorism and Violence as Tools for Social Change Helter Skelter

Deja vu: 


Once again liberals want to blame a murder spree on conservatives. Somehow Dylann Roof represents conservatives because he used a gun to kill 9 innocent black people in church and likes the Confederate Battle flag. Liberals did a similar thing with the Oklahoma City bombing.
And what’s a liberal’s solution? Take legally-owned guns from 99.9 percent of the population and take down the Confederate Battle Flag in South Carolina.
Timothy McVeigh did not use a gun to kill 167 people, and a flag did not contribute to the evil that lurks in the heart of Dylann Roof. If a flag was the problem, then one has to ask why Democrats have used the Confederate Battle Flag in support of Democrat candidates for decades with no apparent violence.

Dylann Roof’s attempts to cause social disruption (a race war) are the tactics of the left. Charles Manson also wanted to start a race war. In his case, he planned to murder white people and then blame it on blacks. He called it “Helter Skelter.”
“That Manson foresaw a war between the blacks and the whites was not fantastic. Many people believe that such a war may someday occur. What was fantastic was that he was convinced he could personally start that war himself—that by making it look as if blacks had murdered the seven Caucasian victims he could turn the white community against the black community.”1
Manson was no conservative...
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