
Saturday, June 27, 2015

Breitbart Argues that We Should Also Take Down the Fascist, Anti-Christian Gay-Pride Flag

Onan Coca 
John Nolte at makes an interesting argument in his most recent piece.
He believes (perhaps a bit tongue in cheek)  that the rainbow flag of the gay “rights” movement is as hateful a symbol as the Confederate flag. If the Confederate flag should be removed for what it stands for and for the people it offends, then so too should the rainbow flag come down for the very same reasons.
It’s a compelling argument and one that will likely cause some major waves on both the right and left, as conservatives will likely agree with Nolte while the liberals will roll their eyes at his comparison.
I’m not sure about the reasoning, but I appreciate Nolte’s attempt to uncover the hypocrisy of the left.

Under this banner of hate, people are outed against their will,  terrorized out of businessmerely for being Christian, bullied and harassed for thoughtcrimes; moreover, “hate crimes” are being manufactured to keep us divided, Christians are refused service, death threats are hurled, and Christianity is regularly smeared as hate speech.
If individuals wish to fly this symbol of hate, oppression and bigotry on their own property, that is their choice in a free country. It is unconscionable, however, that this symbol of intolerance is allowed to fly above government-owned buildings.

Read the Entire Piece at…

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