
Thursday, October 2, 2014

Here’s Why I Think Rahm Emanuel’s Brother (“Dr. Death”) Is Full Of Crap

Obamacare Death Panels already coming true. Was Palin Right and Obama ...
oped: Since Dr.Death is like 57 now and in 18 years he will turn 75 providing he makes it...I'm thinking God may call him before the court of angels before he turns 58 being that 57 is backwards of 75...:) Careful of what you ask for Dr.Death God has very large ears! and your death panels/abortion goes against his plan for humanity! And by the way you better pray to your and Barack Obama's God Allah...maybe he will provide some really really old virgins for ya like 75 +++ ! 


Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, Rahm’s brother, says that, all other things being equal, he’d just as soon die at age 75—in his case, 18 years from now.
My take on that is that he should go first.
Just like those jihadist “leaders” who tell their followers that it is a good idea to kill themselves with suicide vests because they will be rewarded in heaven with 72 virgins. 

They never seem to want to go first, either. Somehow, they’re too important to “the cause”.
What’s jarring about the article Emanuel wrote in this month’s Atlantic Monthly and the adoring TV interviews on the mainstream media is that this is the guy who, for all practical intents and purposes, designed that abortion waiting to happen, Obamacare.
These guys always talk and write in code.
They talk about “sustainability” and “end of life decisions” the same way animal “shelters” use the term “euthanizing” as opposed to “whacking” or “killing”. 

Now, my father lived until he was 86. He never met a candy bar he didn’t like, and he wasn’t a real fanatic at taking care of himself. The Mickey Mantle of college professors. According to my sister, who studies these things, his ancestors tended to live almost a decade longer, although his father was felled with a massive stroke when he was 67.
My father—until the last six months or so of his life—was in pretty good shape and, in general, a net contributor to society. Granted, he didn’t found any schools or television stations in the last 11 years of his life; but he did enjoy his retirement, his children, grandchildren, and his great grandchildren. He did have a sense of mortality. But he wasn’t as ready to check out until very near the end as Rambo’s brother says he will be at age 75.
Dr. Death-At-75 says that it is not true that 70 is the new 50.

Perhaps he’s a bit tetched (as Granny on “The Beverly Hillbillies” would have said) in the head.
When I was 50, I didn’t feel nearly as old as I was told I was supposed to feel. Most of my similarly aged friends didn’t either. When I turned 60, although I discovered that certain body parts need more frequent attention, I still couldn’t pass for the “senior citizen” the 60-year-olds saw themselves as in my youth. That was also the case for my similarly aged friends.
I remember watching Chris Wallace interview his father, the late Mike Wallace, on Fox News Sunday (a coup for Fox and a big ad for CBS News).
Near age 90, the great inquisitor told his son that getting old was not for sissies. When he was 75, he was as feared and as gifted as when he was 60. He died at 93.
For the World War Two greatest generation, that was a bit on the far side of normal; but I also saw an 86-year-old vet jump out of an airplane onto Utah Beach during the 70th anniversary of the Normandy invasion and tell the media that this jump was a lot easier than in 1944 because nobody was shooting at him.

Do you think he wanted to die at age 75?
Growing up with a background in engineering, I’m of the opinion that God puts a serial number plate on the back of your heart–and he certifies that heart for a specific number of beats. If, like my 1994 Ford Explorer, you can exceed that number (275,000 miles)—great!

If you can’t, trying is still a good thing.
Because aspiring is what man does. If we all decide that we want to be gone at 75, this would be a very dull world, indeed.
Which is why I believe that Rambo’s brother is either being disingenuous and is actually saying to do as he says and not as he will actually do himself, or he’s trying to create a black market in medicine by suggesting—as one of its inventors—that government healthcare will no longer do much for folks over 75.


I’ll wait to see what Dr. Death-At-75 does in 18 years. Too bad there’s not a book in Las Vegas that could take my futures bet.

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