
Friday, July 18, 2014

Time to get real on the US Constitution and Bill of Rights

the united states constitution the u s constitution online

First and foremost the US Constitution and Bill of Rights are written in black and white...not up for interpretation...if 'We the People' want change we must go through  congress and ask for amendments and they must be ratified with 2/3rds of the states votes! is not up to the POTUS or any other entity including SCOTUS  to subvert the US Constitution and Bill of Rights through Executive Orders /Opinions.

If this was what the founders intended then they would have declared us a New Monarchy apart from the separation of the United Kingdom and installed a New King and Queen not a Republic as written! #PERIOD
The US Constitution/Bill of Rights  applies to All "We the People" (Citizens) including the President,Congress, SCOTUS et al , as it states : Laws,rules,policy and regulations apply to all not just the electorate (serfs) one is exempt and no one or entity  is to receive 'Special Treatment' PERIOD

'"We the People" means just that... citizens of the United States of America...the Bill of Rights do not apply to anyone who is not a citizen...people may not like this...but it is a fact where in the US Constitution nor Bill of Rights does it say "We the World" seems to me Congress and SCOTUS failed Reading Comprehension 101! If they passed Reading Comprehension 101 then they are subverting the US Constitution and Bill of Rights if they state it applies to the world population. It just doesn't that is a fantasy by those who try to re-write it as well as history to fit their agenda without having a Constitutional Amendment process as outlined within the documents!

Thats all I have to say for now on the subject. I gave y'all food for thought, please try to process it so we can get back to being a true republic

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