
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Marriage Redefined

[A&E's New Reality Series 'Married at First Sight]

For some, the failure of marriage is the goal

Dear Patriot,

Recently, I read a very disturbing article in the Chicago Tribune. The columnist was actually celebrating what she defined as “dysfunctional” heterosexual relationships! She began by citing the new A&E Network program called Married at First Sight, which pairs up three couples who agree to “marry” upon meeting for the first time. She went on to gleefully describe her pleasure in seeing the hypocrisy and failure of these allegedly “normal” marriages (normal here meaning “between a man and a woman” and not “normal” in the sense of reflecting the seriousness with which most people make the decision to marry). Needless to say, this nakedly manipulative reality TV show has absolutely no similarity to how a ‘normal’ marriage is defined, but is based in a superficial definition of what marriage is supposed to be.

Marriage at First Sight’s depiction of marriage is absurd and irresponsible, exposing those involved to emotional and psychological repercussions that could take years to overcome. So for the columnist to watch the program with ‘gleeful’ anticipation and a desire to see the couples fail is truly very sad.  No one is naïve enough to believe that anything good will come of the pairing of complete strangers, but we must ask—what kind of mind (or heart) wishes them harm?

It seems that in our society, almost anything goes if money is involved—even if it means self-degradation and shame for all parties involved. Even agreeing to participate in this exercise in mass entertainment dressed up as a ‘social experiment’ is very telling in itself. Agreeing to marry a complete stranger for a cable television show tells us to what extent some people will go to for money and fame. It also tells us something about how causal and impermanent the entertainment industry considers marriage to be. We should not be surprised that some people cannot understand our arguments about the sanctity of marriage. Making marriage a game or the subject of an entertainment “experiment” is about as far from treating it as a sacred vow made before God as I can imagine.

After reveling in this staged disaster, the Chicago Tribune article made a predictable and flawed attempt to draw a lesson from it. Despite the fact that committed Christians would certainly condemn the way this show treats marriage, the columnist attempted to paint defenders of traditional marriage as hypocritical and dysfunctional. While implying (without evidence) that same-sex partners have more successful long term relationships than heterosexuals, she used this false equivalence to question why Christians attempt to bar gays from their so-called “equal right" to marry.

We've discussed this before. The push for homosexual marriage has been wrongly cloaked in the language of rights. This is not about rights, but standards. It is not discrimination to treat different and unique things in unique ways, and we maintain that the bond between a man and a woman is unique. In addition, we have chosen to adhere to the Biblical standard, where marriage is sacred and the Word of God is the moral authority. Why would we ignore His law in favor of the transient, trendy, and secular values of TV sitcoms and media pundits?

Making Proper Comparisons

It seems so obvious that it shouldn't need to be said, but the proper answer to this columnist is that both scenarios are dysfunctional and wrong. Using this mockery of marriage on television to try to justify homosexual marriage is a bad argument based on false premises. Both the show and same-sex marriage are damaging to the sanctity of marriage, both undermine family, and both are damaging to the society that allows them. Moreover, both are outside the laws of Almighty God and should be opposed by people of faith.

We have seen too much destruction from our culture’s irresponsible attitude about marriage, relationships, and sexual behavior—not only in terms of the individual lives affected, but in the coarsening of our culture and the way that we have exposed innocent children to lifestyles and attitudes that are spiritually and psychologically damaging. Encouraging dysfunctional relationships and even rejoicing in the harm they may cause is appalling. We must advocate for something better for our nation, rather than this total deviation from the Word of God. The Bible advocates strong, godly, and loving relationships which lead to stable marriages and happy well-adjusted children.

This is exactly what CAAP is all about: uplifting the sanctity of marriage and preserving the future of the children.  Please join us! Visit our website at and show us your support for what we are doing to help preserve faith and family.  (And don’t forget to sign the marriage pledge!) Your gift of $50.00, $100.00 or any amount will help us be able to continue this work. We thank you for your prayers and support.

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