
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Thank God Men And Women Are Different

Then again men and women aren't so

In reality ...just a fact

bottom line: ~~~> 

A priceless vein of God’s infinite wisdom and creative beauty can be found marbled throughout the marvelous and myriad differences He established between the two sexes – male and female.
Thank you God for blessing us with “the other.”
“The Lord God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him’” (Genesis 2:18).
And so He made woman, thereby giving man a chance to think of, do for, and partner with his spiritually, sexually, emotionally, and physically compatible binary opposite. 

And she for him.
Yet our culture today is more me-focused than ever before. We’re entitlement-minded and obsessed with fatally flawed and pseudo-utopian notions of egalitarianism, as well as outcome-based, rather than opportunity-based, concepts of materialist “equality,” “fundamental fairness,” and “social justice.”
Dr. Peter Jones, a world-renowned Christian apologist and founder of the truthXchange, gets to the root of this problem by way of a lucid “comparative antithetical hermeneutical system” he calls “Two-ism and One-ism”:

All Is Two: We worship and serve the eternal, personal Creator of all things. God alone is divine and is distinct from His creation, yet through His Son, Jesus, He is in loving communion with it.
All Is One: We worship and serve creation as divine. All distinctions must be eliminated and, through “enlightenment,” we discover that we also are divine.
Christian writer Jay Wegter summarizes the “Two-ist/One-ist” hermeneutic:

“Paganism is built upon the fundamental oneness of all things (monism). Under the pagan worldview, all is divine, all shares the same substance. Under paganism the “two-ness” of biblical worldview is overturned. It is viewed as false to make distinctions if all is the same. Paganism seeks to achieve spirituality by removing the distinctions which God has made. Global spirituality seeks to obliterate the antithesis which exists between the truths of theism and pagan worldview.
“Pagan spirituality seeks to erase the distinctions between God and man; between man and animal; and between man and woman. Perversion is the inevitable result – the Apostle Paul tells us in Romans chapter one that the overturning of created order will result in unnatural ways of living (Rom 1:24-27).”
“Unnatural ways of living,” as Wegter puts it, is the disordered order of the day in our post-modern, post-Christian world.
For example: “Homosexual androgyny,” says Dr. Jones, “is ‘the Sacrament of One-ism.’ It carries within it the very essence of what it means to worship created things.”
Me, me, me. Same, same, same. Sex, sex, sex.

Marriage, on the other hand, authentic man-woman marriage, is a perfect representation of the Two-ist reality in which we all live – to include our pagan friends, who labor under the One-ist lie.
Two-ism, in effect, is what brilliant worldview analyst Nancy Pearcey calls “total truth.
Total truth is revealed to us pressed down and running over in both God’s created order, so that we “are without excuse” (Romans 1:20), along with His infallible word, which is the handbook for life – an invaluable gift to all mankind in the form of the Judeo-Christian Bible.
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This post originally appeared on Western Journalism – Informing And Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom

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