
Thursday, May 15, 2014

Jon Stewart Exposed...!

[Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz...was voted funniest in high school....hmmm akin to 'Funny Face' Barbra Streisand ?]

Ok Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz are ya ashamed of your name or your ethnic heritage... being almost kinda/sorta Jewish ? Yes we know ya lived in the basement kinda/ sorta dorm...while attending William & Mary's College...ya were a tad bit too small to play football so ya pulled up yo' little  big boy pants and joined the girls soccer team also compensated for your small stature by becoming a comedian, quite common a process luvs to attack conservatives because of your many failures in life kinda /sorta, but not to forget the programming [Brainwashing] you received while at the ultra liberal William & Mary's ~ Old English Unicorney !

Yes I will admit ya be kinda/sorta funny in a strange way...however I would never pay to see ya perform..ya be not quite that funny...maybe because I never hit the bongs while in school...and never ever dated 'Mary Jane' whom you seem to be still well aquainted with...along with your theme song Puff the Magic Dragon!

At any rate I just had to add my two cents and join ya' in exposing others... only this time was directed at yuz!

Hows about a collage of pics to show your better side from days gone by?

[High School senior pic] 

[Soccer Jock William & Mary's]

A learned expression from his soccer jock days...rofl

And in closing can't forget Johnathan's fav music group 80's style... Dead Kennedys Fan?

Have a Nice Day Johnathan...!

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