By Brian Kelly
When I hear Democrats and RINOs whining about amnesty for illegal aliens like as if it would be good for America, I again hear the words of candidate Ronald Reagan in the 1980 Presidential debates: “There you go again.” That shot by Reagan was heard ‘round the world right after Jimmy Carter chose to fabricate his own version of Reagan’s views on Social Security and Medicare. Reagan called Carter on it, and the world is a different and better place because of Ronald Reagan, a man who was much more than a great communicator.Unfortunately, the Obama Administration and the Democratic Congress are speaking fiction again. This time, they have had four RINOS as spokespersons to give their chicanery the look of legitimacy. It is not legitimate. It is an affront to honest Americans. It is Democratic Speak coming from the mouths of Democrat wannabees. We call them RINOS around here.
They passed the gang of eight tyrants’ plan on June 27, 2013 so they could enjoy their Health Independence Holiday (Nancy Pelosi), while the rest of America wonders if they have not destroyed Medicare completely. Let them stew in this great work of deceit! Fourteen traitors of conservativism have been discovered. They have no cover.
This time, the deception is about amnesty for illegals. Trust them at your own peril. They did not tell Americans the truth so they could rush through their noxious bill. I hope they bring in Ehrlich to get rid of the stench of the maggots in the Senate.
As most know, Reagan was such a kind-hearted man; he put his sympathy for the plight of illegal aliens above what was good for the country in 1986. It was Reagan who chose to give US our first round of full-bore amnesty. Reagan wanted to be a nice guy but he later realized that he had neither helped the aliens of the day, or the American people. He regretted this decision for the rest of his life.
Reagan’s plan legalized 2.7 million immediately and then an additional 3.3 million or so got to come on down free of charge by way of family reunification provisions. Reunification is a code word for unloading the populations of poor countries on the US taxpayer. We not only import most of our goods, we now import a good part of our services, and we import people who pretend to be our offspring so they can enjoy our retirement savings.
Reunification passed in the US Senate in June 2013, so we know our lawmakers are not on our side. It was demanded by Democrats trying to get a two-for or a three-for or a six-for—for each newly minted citizen. I hope Republicans in the HOUSE have the guts to do one for the Gipper (we the people), since the Democrats have left us down for sure.
The provisions in the gang of eight tyrants legislation permits only the nuclear family to be reunited. It is a ruse. Never believe a crooked politician especially if their first name is Senator.
What this means is that for a few years, Uncle Shamus will not be able to get his free pass. However, Mr. Shamus, and his entire brood would immediately be welcomed in America with open arms. Then, after just a few years, Uncle Shamus could petition for a green card right from the Old Sod, where he would meet the slip-shod qualifications of a corrupt administration, and he would be” In like Flint!” My apologies to James Coburn, a real hero!
After Reagan’s 1986 amnesty, you may know that a very large number of new citizens figured out how to take advantage of the good will of Americans by bringing anybody and everybody in with them. It was “such a deal,” nobody could say No!
The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) was so overwhelmed after the amnesty was granted that there are reports that a few fine looking dogs and cats were given citizenship. Some of these canines and felines more than likely are now collecting Social Security. Aren’t we a great country? Actually, we sure are.
Some of the amnestied brought in as many as 100 “relatives” on the reunification clause. To this day, more and more foreign nationals are continually being reunited through this loose, anything-goes immigration system that discriminates against those of European descent.
Loose administration of foreign birth records helped just about anybody who tried to get through the maze legally. About a million green cards a year are handed out and the principle reason is family reunification.
Voters—voters everywhere!
After gun control and perhaps pro-football control, a liberal immigration policy is at the top of the progressive agenda, hoping to attract more Democrat voters from other countries. US Democratic leaders would love to exchange the persnickety Democrats, often up in age with a fresh new brood from another country. They do not even care which country as long as they smell like Democrats.
So, let’s say that America goes ahead and does exactly what the Democrats and the unions and the corporations want. Let’s say that Harry Reid and our corrupt lawmakers grant amnesty again to ten million to perhaps as many as fifty million currently illegal residents. Who knows how many there really are? Then what? How does that help the jobs picture for Americans? Well, on June 27, 2013, Harry Reid did just that as did many of our Anti-American Senators. Hopefully John Boehner will choose to use his pair to represent Americans.
The Kelly Comprehensible and Sane Immigration Plan is an American way to handle the problem of illegal immigration. I sent the Kelly Plan package to my Congressman Republican Lou Barletta and I am hoping he introduces it in the HOUSE as a real answer to the Democrat and RINO chicanery against the American people.
At first, the Kelly Plan may not sound as good as deportation since it does offer temporary legalization. However, it also extracts a fee each year and demands that any EMTALA or other expenses from temporary legal guests be paid in order to get a clear and free guest pass renewal. There is no guest pass path to citizenship. The notion should grow on you, and you don’t have to wait for the bill in order to know what is in it. It is in this book. No voting privileges ever come along with the guest privileges; even if Chuck Schumer whines all day to Mayor Anthony Weiner.
Let me repeat; there is no citizenship and no amnesty in the Kelly Plan. The price to be a legal temporary guest will be high for those who expect Americans to pay any of their way. The fees collected will eventually be used to cover all costs for those now residing in the US.
The fact is illegal foreign nationals have been living it up on the taxpayer dime for years and this has been a huge cost for Americans. Have you yet to see a news broadcast with an illegal alien featured, who has been sucking up American largesse for years; complaining that we citizens give them too much. With the Kelly Plan, those taxpayer-funded boondoggle days are over. Amen!
Democrats are not the only bad guys in the picture. Grover Norquist, a billionaire for sure and a one-time true conservative, who has become a pure big-business Republican, recently came out of the woods in favor of amnesty. You see, he and other billionaires like to employ cheap labor—that’s your kids and grandkids, if you have been paying attention—much more than they want America to be for Americans.
They would be happy to employ Americans at cheap labor prices but those pesky Americans actually have minds of their owns and want silly things like—opportunity for advancement and good wages. The money boys want any advancement for Americans or for illegals made legal to be less than minimum wage or lower. That’s why these pigs truly disgust me.
The infamous Koch brothers are in the tank for amnesty also because their version of immigration reform is to get the American wage even lower than low if that is possible. I normally have approved of the Koch brothers conservative stance in the past but not on something that will hurt regular Americans. When money is the concern, they vote the dollar bill, not for the George Washington principles that built the dollars they crave.
The rich business class do not care that those legalized eventually will add to the US welfare state and will not give back to the economy. Americans have to take notice that allowing immigrants into the United States to sponge off American citizens or reduce the hourly wage doesn’t benefit average Americans. It sure does benefit businesses such as those who emulate the Robber Barons of the turn of the century.
Those businesses that can benefit from slave labor are thrilled that conservative Marco Rubio broke ranks with conservative thought for the cause of business and businesses. These rich, selfish, self-serving magnates will reward Mr. Rubio and others in Congress who acknowledge their demands with huge campaign contributions for years. Why? Because, though I hate to say it; it is all about money. They are willing to buy as individuals what you and I cannot get by getting people of like minds to vote out the corrupt politicians. These guys depend on corrupt politicians to make their next dollar. And we sure have enough corrupt Senators to go around.
They would be rich—regardless, but they are actually willing to say, “F” to America if they can get a gram of gold richer on the backs of real Americans. They care not a bit about you and I, and they care even less about conservatives. You see, they are true Republicans, and conservatives are merely those of us who have benefitted from hiding under their huge mantle.
Regular Americans have little to none of the big green stuff, so big fat politicians go where the bucks emerge. The Koch brothers, Grover Norquist, Sheldon Adelson, and other billionaires who still run major businesses don’t give a damn about the American people. Even I once thought they did.
They are so interested in making their next bucks that they are happy to make them off the backs of former middle class, soon-to-be-poor Americans, like you and I. Shame on them! Please Americans; let us deny them our respect if nothing else. Why potential saviors choose greed rather than saving is one for God to check out. Maybe he needs to do some fine tuning if he would, please!
Americans know what we want from immigration reform. The reason the gang of eight tyrants deal smells bad is because it is built from the droppings of a thousand bad ideas. There are many stipulations in the Kelly Plan that Americans will see as big winners; and each one helps America and Americans.
At the top of the list, formerly illegal American guests will never be able to vote. Rich Republican Business magnates do not care about America. They do not care if Democrats win as long as they kiss their rings for the money prizes to get them reelected. So, they do not care if these new folks vote Democratic (Progressive-socialist liberal communist), or whatever you choose to call it.
I am starting to like the term – the “Anti-American Party” as it best describes Democrats as the cheats and scoundrels, and thieves and liars that they surely have become. Yes, I am a Democrat, but at least I am embarrassed by my Party as all D’s should be. The big money Republicans have none of my respect either. I do love the conservative movement and I think we are America’s only chance to survive Obama, the Anti-American Party , and selfish Republicans, and the RINOS who just passed the Senate bill.
You are going to like the Kelly Plan. The cost to Americans for permitting guests to reside in the country legally is zero. Ask the gang of eight tyrants for an accounting. As another biggie for Americans, the Kelly Plan stipulates that any American citizen with the same talent can bump any “legal guest,” applying for any job in the country.
The bottom line is that Americans no longer will have to worry about foreigners controlling future elections; the huge cost of welfare, medical services and education; the inability to get jobs now held by illegal foreign nationals. What is there not to like, unless you are a Democrat leader or a Republican money taker or a big shot Republican billionaire.
Any preferences for anybody but an American end with the Kelly Plan since all guests must pay their own way. There are a ton of great American stipulations in the plan, each of which benefits Americans first. Overall, as a side benefit, the provisions of the plan are good for the guests also—compared to the shadows of course….
Any American that does not think this is a good idea fits the words of Utah Jazz President Frank Layden when describing the response of a former player to a simple question that Layden asked: “Son, what is it with you? Is it ignorance or apathy?” Just like a lot of low information Americans, who do not pay attention, the player responded to the coach: “I don’t know and I don’t care!” Of course, the player is still a millionaire who had his financial status gifted to him by our God who distributes talent. He is not a regular American. The more Americans learn about the Kelly Plan, the more they will care.
Lying about the numbers
Democrats (members of the Anti-American Party) as you know for the past few years have openly claimed that there are about 20 million, not 10 million in the illegal population. Ironically, as a vote on amnesty approaches, the Democrats now swear that as many as ten million residents have disappeared from their lists.
Their new numbers show that there are now just ten to twelve million illegal foreign nationals left in America. It is a miracle. This difference between ten and twelve to twenty million is calculated to sell Americans that amnesty will be no big deal since the numbers are decreasing. The fact that nobody is counting does help the Democrats with their charade.
The numbers are not decreasing at all and are upward bound. Unfortunately, there are more like fifty million illegal aliens in the US today unless USCIS has had a secret plot to legalize them and make them citizens under the cover of darkness so they would not be counted. I have been saying and writing 50,000,000 as my number for years and years.
Ahem! Those extra eight million to ten million or perhaps thirty-eight to forty million interlopers as I calculate will assure in the future that there will no longer be a need for a Republican Convention. The big money Republicans won’t have to put out their millions for no return ever again.
Future one party political system
Democrats, the anti-American Party, are looking for a one-party political system and if their amnesty takes hold, with fifty million more Democrats, a one party system is sure to follow. The moneyed Republican billionaires want to make sure that they can get more favors from Democrat thieves in office than Republicans, and that is why they do not care who gets their dollars as long as they get their due.
That one party system may be what is coming and the big loser is the American people. The Democrats in charge will tilt the whole country towards liberalism, socialism, progressivism, or communism as they see fit. Conservatives and the Republican brand will exist no more. But, the Republican money class will still be finding cash rakes that are efficient enough to bring their wads to the bank.
After the new “bipartisan” amnesty, just having been passed in the Senate by the gang of eight tyrants, waiting for the HOUSE to approve, you can expect a plethora of Irish speaking people to be legally residing in the country, and even more when the coattails finally reach back to Ireland for full family reunification? I am not worried for, as a Kelly, I am OK with the Irish for sure.
However, the German, Italian, Ghanaian, and the French immigrants and others, waiting years in the wings, might not be as pleased as I, since I am Irish, but then maybe I should have no say. Maybe Marco Rubio should have no say…
The decisions in the US Senate seem to have been left to the whims of John McCain and Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio, the RINOS of the Senate. SO, what happens when the House and Senate bills must be reconciled. These RINOS are major players in the gang of eight tyrants.
If Rubio, McCain and Graham have their way, it looks like it will be lots easier for Big Apple visitors to get a well poured drink legally in New York City, as all the Irish bartenders will be legalized. Nobody does whiskey better than the Irish. I know that for sure! But, despite that, I wish the Senate had decided otherwise, and for America.
Do foreigners really want to be US citizens?
A few years back, continuous Google search results showed me that less and less legal foreign nationals with green cards (permanent residents) chose to take the full plunge to become citizens. They were apparently happy speaking Gaelic. Being a permanent resident of the US with a green card is a pretty good deal and you do not ever have to learn the English language.
The word on the street is that many who have achieved green card permanent resident status have kept their loyalty with their home countries rather than choose to swear allegiance to the US as a citizen. Though they like living at large in the USA, they are not ready to profess full loyalty to America. Learning the language for many is simply a burden they choose to avoid. Green card holders can continue speaking Gaelic or whatever with impunity. I won’t answer this but I have the question: Why do we permit this?
I bet that The NJ resident, and Spanish speaking Dominican immigrant Pedro Quezada, who recently picked up a cool $300 million + in the somewhat recent 2013 Powerball, will be the most celebrated green card holder in his first ESL class. He sure seems like a good guy.
I hope he chooses to pay back the US for any largesse he may have received in the twenty-six years before he became an overnight lottery hero. First reports are that he is a hard worker, an independent business man, father of five, and just the type of person we like in America. Viva El Pedro! If I had the chance, I would ask Pedro why he never chose to take the next step to citizenship.
From Pedro, the Kelly Plan would have collected all of the charges for education, welfare, and medical, that he may have accumulated as recorded in our big Electronic Accountability Database (EAR). I recommend that the database be run by IBM or some other great and trustworthy company so it never becomes political. The contract should be 99 years for the same reason.
Right after Pedro cashed his Lottery check, I would have presented him with a bill to pay for those past services. Additionally, he would have been asked kindly to volunteer to send some other funds along for those in similar circumstance (foreign nationals) who have never had such a bonanza in their lives.
The bottom line is that lottery winners and corporate moguls, though the chances were small, made it big. If they have expenses from when they were poor and on Medicaid or they skipped from the university without paying tuition or their loans, when they hit it big, the Kelly Plan wants to collect something from them, for Americans before any other American should pay a dime.
With so many green card holders remaining as permanent residents, rather than moving towards citizenship, don’t you find it strange that there is such a push by Democratic politicians to push illegal foreign nationals into citizenship. The evidence suggests that it is not what they seem to desire. Can there be another reason for the push from the Anti-American Party than concern for the aliens?
Maybe the Democrats know that green card holders cannot vote for any favorite Democrat du jour since they are not citizens. Maybe the Democrats are not as happy letting the new residents enjoy their fine living in America without the Anti-American Party gaining something from it. You don’t think that Obama and the Democrats would play politics on such an important issue as a person’s life. Do you?
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