oped: Do the research on safer homeopathic/holistic treatments...without dangerous chemicals and side effects....homeopathic /holistic medicine has made great leaps forward in safer treatment with better results than traditional medicine....after you do the research talk with your Md/Onocologist about other options!
by Bob Livingston
Cancer is serious business. Many patients who hear their doctor tell them they have cancer believe their death warrant has just been signed.
It’s also serious business for the medical-industrial complex, which makes big money off cancer treatments and cancer drugs.
In his book Questioning Chemotherapy, leading author and consultant on cancer treatment Ralph Moss, Ph.D., explains chemotherapy to be an effective treatment option in only 2 percent to 4 percent of cancers: Hodgkin’s disease, acute lymphocytic leukemia, testicular cancer and choriocarcinoma.
A new report funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health and just published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) shows that cancer-fighting drugs actually induce major stem cell damage that causes more cancer. An abstract of the report can be seen here.
The upshot is that even though the chemical cocktails used to treat tumors are sometimes initially effective at stemming more tumor growth and the spread of more tumor cells, the damage they leave behind causes more tumors to develop on stem cells. And given the right environment and genetic background, those tumors could become malignant.
This is certainly not the first study to reveal this. I told you about one published in Nature Medicine 16 months ago.
There is a cancer clinic in the Bahamas that uses a non-invasive therapy to treat cancer. It’s certainly worth considering an alternative treatment to cocktails that cause more cancer.
The key is to do what you can to avoid cancer in the first place by maintaining a proper diet.
H/T: NaturalNews.com
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