[Oped: and why pray tell buy her book when all one needs to read is this article...why make the Clintons richer for more trash?]
by: Cyrus Massoumi
For those of you who always thought that Hillary was lying about everything, you’re about to be proven right. Moreover, the news is going to come from a very unexpected source: Hillary herself.
The National Enquirer, which has stuck very close to honest reporting since getting burned in a long-ago libel suit, reports that Hillary has decided to stop the lies and tell the truth in an upcoming memoir. Simon & Schuster will pay her $25 million for writing the book, which she hopes will inoculate her 2016 presidential run against any future ugly revelations.
According to the National Enquirer’s source, a person who is allegedly one of Hillary’s close friends, “By writing this tell-all, Hillary will settle old scores and get revenge on her enemies.” Those enemies apparently include Barack and Michelle Obama, since pre-publication rumors have it that Hillary will report about Barack’s drinking problem and the Obamas’ serious marital problems. Hillary also plans to attack Valeria Jarrett, who is Obama’s right-hand woman and the person many believe is the real power in the White House. [oped side note: calling the proverbial kettle black again are we Hillary? You also have a drinking problemo as well as marital problemos
(Read More: Judge: Hillary May Face Prosecution On Benghazi.)
Hillary also intends to admit what many have known for years, but
which her friends and ex-lovers have never confirmed: she’s bisexual and
has had lesbian affairs. The National Enquirier smugly notes
that the memoir will confirm one of its past reports that a veterinarian
who came to the White House to treat Socks, the White House cat, caught
Hillary in a steamy (and adulterous) embrace with another woman.It will be interesting to see whether Hillary addresses the rumors that one of her lovers is Huma Abedin. Abedin is an interesting character, since she is Hillary’s closest confidant and aid; is married to Anthony Weiner, the Democrat politician who sent naked pictures of himself to women; and comes from a family tied closely to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Read More: Benghazi Whistleblower Shocked ‘My Jaw Hit the Floor’ When Obama Blamed YouTube.)
According to a source the National Enquirier identifies as a “family insider,” Hillary’s admission that she is a lesbian isn’t a sign that she repents her life of lies. Instead, it’s part of her cold-blooded political calculation:
“Bill and Hillary are the consummate politicians, and they realize the LGBT community is a huge voting bloc,” said a family insider.Hillary will also admit that, when she suddenly vanished from the scene last December amidst State Department assurances that nothing bad was the matter, these assurances were yet another Clinton lie. In fact, after a fall, she was discovered to have a blood clot between her brain and her right ear, which was putting pressure on her brain. In the lead-up to the diagnosis, Hillary thought she had brain cancer, just as Teddy Kennedy did, and began saying good-bye to friends and families.
“They want lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people behind Hillary in the 2016 campaign. So Hillary’s going to come clean for the votes. She’ll admit that she’s bisexual and has had lesbian relationships.” [oped side note: *eye roll* hello... world wide population including the United States puts the LGBT at 1-3% of the total population...another lie from the looney left !]
Hillary lying to a House investigative committee:
SEE Video: http://videos.mrconservative.com/video/Hillary-Clinton-Erupts-at-Senat
For those who still care about Monica Lewinsky, whose sexual shenanigans with Bill almost lost Bill and Hillary the White House, Hillary will finally talk about her version of those events. According to Hillary’s view of things, Monica got word to Hillary that Bill was in love with Monica and wanted to start a family with him (and that she was even planning on getting pregnant without Bill’s consent). Hillary’s response to this news was to throw up in a White House bathroom.
The book isn’t just about the personal. As part of her attack on the Obamas, Hillary will detail her battles with Valerie Jarrett, “Obama’s brain,” to get a green light on attacking Osama bin Laden. Hillary also plans to detail the fight she had with the White House over Osama’s bloodied, bullet-ridden corpse. Hillary claims that she wanted it returned to the U.S. as proof that he was dead. Obama instead opted for a secret burial at sea (and Hillary promises to reveal the real location) so as not to inflame Muslim sensibilities.
(Read More: Clinton Dodges Questions For 5 Hours Regarding Benghazi, Then Slammed by McCain “Your answers are not satisfactory”.)
Hillary’s plan is that this book, by telling all her dirty little
secrets in advance, will clear the way for a 2016 presidential run since
none of her opponents will have any dirt to spill on her. The mere fact
that she feels compelled to write this book indicates that the Obamas
have already gathered this information and, moreover, that they would
have used it if Hillary had looked set to sweep the Democrat primaries
in 2008. Releasing dirt on his Democrat opponents as a way to clear the
field is, after all, vintage Obama.
Party partisans will no doubt applaud Hillary for her bravery in “coming
out” (not that it’s very brave if everyone you care about thinks it’s a
wonderful thing to do). It will be more interesting to see how ordinary
Americans feel when they discover that the woman seeking the White
House has lied to them every step of the way for decades.
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