[ Is this the face of a man who would knowingly skirt campaign finance laws to enrich family members? (via Instagram) ]
oped: Harry Reid is a liar,cheat ,fraud and all around JERK...he needs to be Impeached,arrested and prosecuted for crimes against the US Constitution and Bill of Rights...he commits sedition on a regular basis bordering on Treason!
The Federal Election Commission (FEC) has some questions for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) concerning his campaign’s purchase of more than $16,000 in “holiday gifts” for donors. It turns out that the gifts were purchased from a jewelry vendor in Berkeley, Calif., who just happens to be Reid’s granddaughter, Ryan Elisabeth Reid, although her full name was not listed on Reid’s campaign filing with the FEC. Jon Ralston reports:
The gifts, I have learned, were purchased from his granddaughter, Ryan Elisabeth Reid, who is a jewelry vendor in Berkeley, CA. The gifts were later passed on to donors and supporters, a Reid spokeswoman told me.
Reid has previously been asked to explain holiday gifts to his Ritz Carlton doorman by the FEC. But in the letter from the FEC sent last week, the agency wants to know what payments of $11,370 and $5,416 (UPDATED) were. “Itemized disbursements must include a brief statement or description of why each disbursement was made,” the letter said.
Reid’s granddaughter is listed only as “Ryan Elisabeth” on the FEC report, which is attached here (see page 166). But her full name is Ryan Elisabeth Reid. …
The FEC wants an answer by April 25. But even if that agency does its usual dithering and wrist-slapping, many will wonder why Reid needs to use campaign funds for holiday gifts to give to supporters and donors and why he enriched his granddaughter in so doing.
In other news, Reid is even less popular than Charles and David Koch, the libertarian philanthropists Reid has described as “un-American.”
UPDATE: In a statement, Reid said he will reimburse his campaign for price of the gifts: “I thought it would be nice to give supporters and staff thank-you gifts that had a personal connection and a Searchlight connection, but I have decided to reimburse the campaign for the amount of the expenditure.”
– Forced by the Federal Election Commission to explain where $17,000
from his campaign went, Senate Majority Leader Harry
Reid acknowledged giving the money to his granddaughter for “holiday
gifts” in late 2013, and finally reimbursed the money to his campaign.
The FEC sent the treasurer for Friends of Harry Reid a letter asserting
that the treasurer “must include a brief statement or description … to
clarify the following description: ‘holiday gifts.’” Reid’s campaign
operation had listed the “holiday gifts” as two separate payments to
Ryan Elisabeth of Berkley, Calif., on Oct. 23, 2013. One payment
amounted to $5,416.93; the other was $11,370.00.
“Ryan Elisabeth” refers to Ryan Elisabeth Reid, 23, Reid’s granddaughter. Reid released a statement in which he said, “I thought it would be nice to give supporters and staff thank-you gifts that had a personal connection and a Searchlight connection. But I have decided to reimburse the campaign for the amount of the expenditure.”
- See more at: http://www.teaparty.org/harry-reid-return-campaign-funds-paid-granddaughter-holiday-gifts-37653/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=social#sthash.OC8C8SDJ.dpuf
“Ryan Elisabeth” refers to Ryan Elisabeth Reid, 23, Reid’s granddaughter. Reid released a statement in which he said, “I thought it would be nice to give supporters and staff thank-you gifts that had a personal connection and a Searchlight connection. But I have decided to reimburse the campaign for the amount of the expenditure.”
- See more at: http://www.teaparty.org/harry-reid-return-campaign-funds-paid-granddaughter-holiday-gifts-37653/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=social#sthash.OC8C8SDJ.dpuf
– Forced by the Federal Election Commission to explain where $17,000
from his campaign went, Senate Majority Leader Harry
Reid acknowledged giving the money to his granddaughter for “holiday
gifts” in late 2013, and finally reimbursed the money to his campaign.
The FEC sent the treasurer for Friends of Harry Reid a letter asserting
that the treasurer “must include a brief statement or description … to
clarify the following description: ‘holiday gifts.’” Reid’s campaign
operation had listed the “holiday gifts” as two separate payments to
Ryan Elisabeth of Berkley, Calif., on Oct. 23, 2013. One payment
amounted to $5,416.93; the other was $11,370.00.
“Ryan Elisabeth” refers to Ryan Elisabeth Reid, 23, Reid’s granddaughter. Reid released a statement in which he said, “I thought it would be nice to give supporters and staff thank-you gifts that had a personal connection and a Searchlight connection. But I have decided to reimburse the campaign for the amount of the expenditure.”
- See more at: http://www.teaparty.org/harry-reid-return-campaign-funds-paid-granddaughter-holiday-gifts-37653/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=social#sthash.OC8C8SDJ.dpuf
“Ryan Elisabeth” refers to Ryan Elisabeth Reid, 23, Reid’s granddaughter. Reid released a statement in which he said, “I thought it would be nice to give supporters and staff thank-you gifts that had a personal connection and a Searchlight connection. But I have decided to reimburse the campaign for the amount of the expenditure.”
- See more at: http://www.teaparty.org/harry-reid-return-campaign-funds-paid-granddaughter-holiday-gifts-37653/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=social#sthash.OC8C8SDJ.dpuf
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