
Friday, October 18, 2013

Yale Study: Tea Partiers Rank Highest In Scientific Knowledge

Photo credit: formatted_dad (Creative Commons)
by:–B. Christopher Agee 

After years of being lambasted by the left as uneducated rubes, a recent study by a Yale law professor proves that members of the Tea Party are actually more likely to understand scientific issues than the rest of the population.
As progressives declare the debate on such issues as global warming and evolution over, it now seems that they could learn a few things from the oft-maligned grassroots organization.
Displaying a respectable level of honesty, Dan Kahan admitted that he expected a completely different result.

Noting he “found this result surprising,” the professor said he assumed that he would “be shown a modest negative correlation between identifying with the Tea Party and science comprehension.”
He concluded that the scope of his study was sufficient to indicate a wider trend, a fact that must give the perpetually supercilious left a collective migraine.
Continuing in a confessional vein, Kahan conceded that he doesn’t “know a single person who identifies with the Tea Party” and that all of his “impressions come from watching cable” television and reading news stories by the “New York Times daily, plus a variety of politics-focused Internet sites like Huffington Post [and] Politico.”
His admission that he exposes himself to only the leftist viewpoint is far more than most progressives will reveal. Such myopic news consumption obviously has an impact on the negative opinion many Americans have of the Tea Party.

While Kahan said that his opposition to the movement was not affected by the study’s findings, he will no longer underestimate the intelligence and comprehension of its members.
“I’m a little embarrassed,” he said of his formerly one-sided impression, “but mainly I’m just glad that I no longer hold this particular mistaken view.”
Whenever leftists venture off of the plantation and begin thinking for themselves, a large portion realize that their prior opinions were based on either hyperbole or outright lies regarding conservatives. For this reason, as Barack Obama advised Thursday morning, those in power want to make sure that dissenting voices on the radio and Internet are relegated to the dustbin of irrelevance.

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