
Friday, October 18, 2013

What Does “Loss Of Trust” Mean In Obama’s Firing Of Top General?

General Obama Forward Stand Down SC

Last week, the man in charge of America’s Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) defense system was fired by Barack Obama. Of course, you have heard almost nothing about this from Obama’s kept media. They have no curiosity about why General Michael Carey, a 35 year Air Force officer and a man with a sterling record of service to our nation,  would be fired with no reasons offered by this anti-military Administration.
In the middle of his golf tour and a few threatening statements to Ted Cruz, Barack Obama found time to flop General Carey from his position as commander of our most essential missile defense system.
In the absence of media scrutiny, speculation is filling in the blanks. The website is covering this story; and as usual, it is doing an outstanding job. Thinking out loud, wonders what the General could have done wrong (or, more to the point, what he has done right.) They are asking why no one is demanding to hear the rationale behind this move and pressing to discover what really happened. is asking if it could be because General Carey has expressed an unwillingness to participate in a future Obama order to institute martial law.

Remember Obama’s whispered assurances to the Russians that once he was re-elected, he would be able to strip America of its missile defenses? Is this firing a payback to the Russians for some concession they have made?
For a town that thrives on rumors and gossip, Washington is eerily quiet about the Carey firing. puts it this way: “All we’ve been told so far is what Carey didn’t do wrong. Pentagon flaks assure us that the humiliating relief of command was not the result of gambling drug use, sexual impropriety, or criminal conduct. They say it isn’t related to operational deficiencies or recent inspection results. They haven’t mentioned homosexuality – that old stand-by charge used to destroy a targeted officer, if all else failed….. No, the Pentagon will only say that the drastic action was triggered by a ‘loss of trust.’ What the hell does that mean? That Carey refused to ‘follow orders’ from the ‘commander-in-chief’ because he loves America more?”
Yes, just what the hell does “Loss of trust” mean?

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