America’s largest senior group, the
American Association of Retired Persons, continues alienating much of
its membership by relentlessly touting the purported benefits of
ObamaCare. In response, a crop of new, more conservative alternatives to
the AARP have gained popularity in recent years.
One such organization, Conservative50Plus, is at the forefront
of the fight against socialized healthcare after accepting a challenge
by Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah). Lee, whose vocal criticism of ObamaCare in
the Senate has been matched only by Ted Cruz, has continually chronicled
the disastrous mandates included within the behemoth bill.As Cruz engaged in a nearly daylong filibuster speech last week, during which he made the conservative case against Obama’s signature piece of legislation, Lee used the opportunity to meet personally with Conservative50Plus Executive Director John Skakel.
Encouraging members, all of whom are at least 50 years old, to join in the push to de-fund ObamaCare, Lee wanted to see how many petitions the organization could deliver to Capitol Hill.
A final tally showed that the group sent the Senate 68,672 signed petitions, which were presented to the chamber by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.).
Though it is incumbent upon all Americans to research ObamaCare and the unconscionable mandates contained therein, seniors are perhaps most at risk under the new law. The fact that the AARP continues to support this legislation, while simultaneously receiving funds from the same federal government seeking to impose it, merely demonstrates the failure of that group to represent the best interest of its members.
Patriots aligned with Conservative50Plus and other organizations have found alternative ways to make sure their voices are heard. With support from Lee, Cruz, Paul, and others, the leftists in charge of this debacle will have no choice but to listen.
Western Journalism staff writer
nonsense coming out of D.C. is staggering. And not just because of the
amount and speed of it, which reminds me of a post-party-night malady I
ran into in the Philippines that my fellow squids affectionately
labeled, the San Miguel Squirts. Not just that, but also the sheer stupid of it.
We have Nancy Pelosi, with as much plastic in her face as Mr. Potato Head, assuring us that every possible cut that can be made to the Federal budget has been made. The fragile US economy is like Michael Jackson's nose at the end of his life, apparently. Even the sight of another scalpel might make it all fall into dust. This, while Congressional committees are in hearings over multiple millions of dollars misused by the playful and endlessly creative folks at your friendly neighborhood IRS; and Rep. Issa's crew is wondering how one man so suckered the EPA that they actually believed his absences from work were because he was off saving the world as a CIA agent, and thus paid him six figures plus a retirement.
Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/10/barack-obama-threatens-social-security-recipients/#rCD1bCrB7DEYhZjW.99
We have Nancy Pelosi, with as much plastic in her face as Mr. Potato Head, assuring us that every possible cut that can be made to the Federal budget has been made. The fragile US economy is like Michael Jackson's nose at the end of his life, apparently. Even the sight of another scalpel might make it all fall into dust. This, while Congressional committees are in hearings over multiple millions of dollars misused by the playful and endlessly creative folks at your friendly neighborhood IRS; and Rep. Issa's crew is wondering how one man so suckered the EPA that they actually believed his absences from work were because he was off saving the world as a CIA agent, and thus paid him six figures plus a retirement.
Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/10/barack-obama-threatens-social-security-recipients/#rCD1bCrB7DEYhZjW.99
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