
Monday, September 30, 2013

5 Hollywood Remakes Aiming to Crush Their Originals...Akin to the Obama Administration

oped: Well this just proves my point that Liberal Universities do not produce talent...there is a definite lack of creativity,Independent thought, and intelligent writers...all Liberal Universities produce is protestors,Community Organizers and rerun 'Ground Hog Day' nonsense..kinda/sorta akin to the Liberal Congress,Senate and the Obama Administration...goes to show A+ grades in Liberal Universities are based on agreeing with the Lib Tard professor...sad state of affairs folks!

Like it or not, movie remakes are a way of life for the biggest movie studios in Hollywood. For an industry that rides a fine line between creativity and commerce, studios have increasingly looked to remakes as a way to mitigate financial risk when movie budgets routinely rise into the hundreds of millions.
Of course, the stampede of remakes made by Hollywood these days can seem excessive by even the most casual of movie-goers. Website Den of Geek outlines a list of 57 movie remakes and reboots currently in development and to be honest, the list is likely conservative, given that it’s impossible to know exactly what’s in development behind closed doors.
The big question is whether this route is sustainable. At a certain point, it seems certain that movie-goers will reject the onslaught of remakes, and if there’s a period that can make or break the current financial model, it’s the remaining months of 2013 and 2014 that might ultimately do it.
But, for now, it’s time to talk about what remakes Hollywood has in store for us and whether the films have the potential to back up many studios’ recent behavior. Here are the five biggest remakes coming out over the next several months and a look at how they might perform.

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