
Friday, August 23, 2013

Obama's Racial Politics Has Real Victims

I woke up this morning and was shocked to learn of the tragic murder of 88-year-old World War II veteran Delbert "Shorty" Belton.

Delbert "Shorty" Belton"Shorty" had just arrived at his local Eagles Lodge on Wednesday night. Before he headed inside to play pool with friends, two black teenagers allegedly attacked him and brutally beat him with flashlights. He died soon after in a hospital.

Shorty's friends are in shock ...

"He was always there for me when I needed him," said one longtime friend.

"Every time I come into town, he'd have a project for me to do," said another.

His roommate reflected on Shorty's service in World War II, noting that Mr. Belton "was shot when he was 18 years old on the beaches of Okinawa. He’ll do anything in the world for anybody.” 

This brutal attack on Shorty, along with what seems to be a recent increase in racially-motivated attacks, indicates our nation has entered a tenuous time of racial tensions.

And I'm ready to point the finger of blame directly at the White House.

+ + Obama's Racial Politics Has Real Victims

These tensions and attacks have undeniably been fueled by a President who continually uses racial politics and who intentionally and repeatedly chose to personalize Trayvon Martin's death.

Obama said a year ago that Trayvon "could have been my son." Then after the trial was complete and a jury found George Zimmerman not quilty, Obama raised the ante even further by saying:

"Trayvon Martin could have been me." 

By speaking such words to an African-American community who felt Martin had been murdered and who also view Obama as a political savior, the President lit the tinder box of racial tensions.

As a result, Obama's politics of race now has real victims in "Shorty" Belton, Christopher Lane, the lesser-known Matthew Owens (who was beaten nearly to death recently by a mob of 20 who shouted, "That's justice for Trayvon!") and others.

+ + Mr. Obama: End Your Politics Of Race!

Before there are more victims, it's time for President Obama to step forward and, once and for all, end the politics of race that's fueling the rise in tensions across our land.

Today, Grassfire is launching a NATIONAL PETITION calling on President Obama to END RACIAL POLITICS NOW, before tensions escalate further and more innocent Americans die. Go here to join me in signing: 

Obama must be held accountable for his words. Certainly, he's not the sole or even primary cause of racial tensions in our land. But his words have power, especially in the black community.

By personalizing Trayvon Martin, he has fueled these tensions and put innocent Americans at risk. It's his moral duty to retract such inflammatory statements and intentionally move away from the politics of race.

Thank you for your consideration.

Steve Elliott

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