
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Let's get real about LGBT marriage rights and acceptance in general..!

Ok I am so tired of trying to explain why I feel as I do about the LGBT movement...this is my last diatribe on the subject.
Personally I could give give a hoot less what consenting adults do in private...the clue being 'In Private' that is between them and our maker as to whether it is right or wrong...I just don't want to see and or hear about it much less have their fetish crammed down the proverbial throats of those who disagree with their choice on sexuality...imho it is nothing more nothing less than sexual Ultimate Masturbation and in some cases pure perversion.  Not worthy of marriage or special rights.. Lesbians suffer from what is called in the psychiatric profession as 'Penis Envy' c'mon let's get real here...they strap on dildos resembling a mans penis and engage in pseudo sex...homosexual men put their penis where it does not belong... in another mans anus...and just for the record I think it is gross for a man to put his penis in a woman's anus also!

So now the LGBT movement wants us to believe they were 'Born' that way...really?...hmmm please show me the gene that causes that~they can't as it does not exist!...with the exception of hermaphrodites who have both sexes...they are the only ones who should be covered under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights for transgender surgery or discrimination special rights based on sex!  The LGBT movement just wants everyone to accept their sexual fetish as being the norm, by being allowed marriage rights afforded to hetrosexuals, in order to justify their sexual was a learned habit not a gene that caused it...whether thru sexual abuse growing up or immaturity dealing with the opposite sex...either way it can be addressed and corrected with the proper psychological / psychiatric help and counseling...however most don't want to change as they seem to enjoy their be it... just do it in private and leave the rest of us out of that to much to ask?
This sums up the immaturity concept:

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