
Saturday, June 1, 2013

US Attorney Bill Killian: Anti-Muslim Postings on Social Media Might Be Criminal

oped: Well Mr Killian does this only apply to Islam~ not all other religious beliefs? This would be under  Sharia Law not US Law and the Constitution/Bill of Rights! Are you a practicing Muslim Mr.Killian? You seem to favor Sharia Law over US Law...Maybe you should denounce your US Citizenship and move to Saudi Arabia with the rest of your 'Muslim Brotherhood' buddies! By the way you really should research Islam it is a 'Theocracy' not a religion per say, and it is written in the Qu'ran to blasphemy/attack all other religious beliefs so, are you going to go after those who adhere to the teachings of Islam as well as others?
Start your research on Islam and  get back to the rest of us after your education is completed!

Begin your journey:



This could be the straw to break the camel’s back.
Check it out:
The First Amendment served us well for a time, but now it’s outdated.
Remember reading that England had arrested a guy for anti-Muslim Twitter postings in the aftermath of the Woolrich slaughter? And remember thinking, “Well, this is America, that can’t happen here”?
Oh yes it can. Obama’s Attorney for the Eastern district of Tennessee wants you to know that if you say something untoward about Muslims, the Federal government may imprison you. 
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