That Islam is called a religion of peace is the biggest lie ever.
Check it out:
My uninformed friend who “drinks the Kool Aid of MSM propaganda” said that “there are terrorists in Islam and Christianity, the two religions are the same, there are “nuts” in both religions.”
Well, let’s look at the facts.
Besides the fact that the Q’ran was written by Mohammed (his wife Aisha was 6 years old) 600 years after the Torah (first 5 books of the Bible) was written, and the Q’ran takes the stories of the Torah and changes the names, so that Ishmael (Arab) instead of Issac (Jewish) becomes the first-born son who receives the blessing from father Abraham; and besides the fact that the God of the Bible died for our salvation, and the Allah of the Q’ran wants you to die for your salvation; and beside the fact that Jesus said in Matthew 5 “Love your enemies,” and Mohammed said in Sura 9:5, “Kill the infidel (non-Muslims);” let’s see how many terrorist attacks were caused by Christians in the last decade, and how many were caused by Muslims.
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