Dear Patriot,
Barack Obama and Eric Holder want to slap gun owners in the face again, but this time they’re hoping you aren’t paying attention.
With tens of thousands of “Fast & Furious” documents still being withheld and an Attorney General who’s been held in contempt of Congress . . .
. . . Barack Obama’s hand-picked nominee to be permanent head of the ATF may have played a key role in protecting those involved in the scandal since becoming acting director in 2011.
That’s why -- after you read the email below -- I’m asking you to call your U.S. Senators and ask them to OPPOSE his nomination TODAY!
And, if you are from a state represented by one of the following Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee, make sure you INSIST they vote AGAINST B. Todd Jones’ confirmation in committee:
Sen. Grassley (IA), Sen. Hatch (UT), Sen. Sessions (AL), Sen. Graham (AL), Sen. Cornyn (TX), Sen. Lee (UT), Sen. Cruz (TX), Sen. Flake (AZ).
What’s come to light about B. Todd Jones’ past appears to be just the tip of the iceberg.
Right now, he’s under investigation by the Office of Special Council for his actions while serving as U.S. Attorney in Minnesota in 2009.
The first complaint filed by an assistant U.S. Attorney alleges “that personnel actions, including a suspension and a lower performance appraisal, were taken [by Jones] in retaliation for protected whistle-blowing or other protected activity.”
The second complaint alleges “gross mismanagement and abuses of authority in the Narcotics and Violent Crime Section of the U.S. Attorney’s Office, District of Minnesota.”
In the fall of 2011, during the initial fallout from the “Fast & Furious” scandal, Obama named Jones acting director of the ATF, replacing Kenneth Melson, who wasn’t fired, rather, “reassigned” to another area within the Justice Department.
Instead of cleaning house at the ATF since his arrival in 2011, Jones has:
*** Stonewalled Congressional inquiries
into the scandal, failed to FIRE all individuals involved and made no substantive changes within the ATF to make sure scandals like “Fast
& Furious” don’t happen again;
*** Refused to commend “Fast & Furious” whistle-blowers despite their
being cleared of wrongdoing by Congressional investigators;
*** Kenneth Melson, the former acting director of the ATF, was given a special waiver
so that he could take a lucrative job with J.P. Morgan, all the while
keeping his ATF job in order to receive a higher government pension;
Been caught on tape threatening whistle-blowers who dare to speak with reporters or Congress about the “Fast & Furious”
As each day passes, more information comes out about B. Todd Jones’ hostility to whistle-blowers and
his lack of interest in holding those responsible for “Fast & Furious” accountable. That’s why it’s vital you call your U.S. Senators at once. INSIST they OPPOSE B. Todd Jones’ nomination to be permanent director of the ATF:
Sen. Dean Heller: (202) 224-6244
Sen. Harry Reid: (202) 224-3542
And, if you are from a state represented by Sen. Grassley (IA), Sen. Hatch (UT), Sen. Sessions (AL), Sen. Graham (AL), Sen. Cornyn (TX), Sen. Lee (UT), Sen. Cruz (TX) or Sen. Flake (AZ), make sure you INSIST they vote AGAINST B. Todd Jones’ confirmation in the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Thanks -- in advance -- for taking action.
For Freedom,

Dudley Brown
Executive Vice President
P.S. Barack Obama’s hand-picked nominee to head the ATF has a long history of intimidating whistle-blowers.
As acting director of the ATF, he’s even refused to fire anyone responsible for the “Fast & Furious” scandal.
That’s why it’s vital you call your U.S. Senators at once. INSIST they OPPOSE B. Todd Jones’ nomination to be permanent director of the ATF:
After you make your calls, please consider chipping in $5 or $10 to help NAGR alert more gun owners about this dangerous anti-gun nomination.
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