
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

‘There Will Be Blood!’ vows Michigan Democrat Leader After Obama Visit

“There will be blood,” angrily threatened State Representative Douglas Geiss openly from the floor of the Michigan House of Representatives on Tuesday, according to Fox News. His frustration in the chamber was shouted out by thousands of organized labor supporters who rallied outdoors in the state capitol in opposition to Michigan’s ‘Right to Work’ law. The legislation was signed into law by Republican Gov. Rick Snyder late Tuesday afternoon. Is union tyranny over?
Over the past several weeks, union unrest over right to work legislation had surfaced into slowly burning embers waiting to be ignited. On Monday, the igniter-in-chief arrived. So when President Obama visited the Detroit area; he had been scheduled to discuss the fiscal cliff and its impact on Michigan families.
Instead he moved to shove Michigan elected Republican lawmakers off the legislative cliff. He eagerly chided legislators for supporting Right to Work legislation coming to a vote the next day in Lansing, the state capitol.
His invasion into the privacy and sovereignty of the state of Michigan was unnecessary, unwanted, unneeded and served to ignite hot language in an already combustible atmosphere. Instead of sticking to his script or teleprompter, Obama forgot his place and scolded Michigan’s governor and state house and senate leaders by sarcastically stating:

“These so-called ‘right-to-work’ laws, they don’t have anything to do with economics. They have everything to do with politics,” He then went on to add, “What they’re really talking about is they’re giving you the right to work for less money.” President Obama

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