OpEd: Jack
Lest we not forget he also trashed Palin,Bachmann and West
by Joseph Farah

Don’t even tell me about a big tent.
I don’t want to hear about it.
I know it’s the most important presidential election year in American history.
I know defeating Barack Obama is the highest of priorities.
I know we’re all supposed to stick together and speak no evil of those who are part of the anti-Obama coalition.
However, it’s time to air a little Republican dirty laundry.
It’s time to break Ronald Reagan’s 11th Commandment.
It’s time for all conservatives, libertarians, freedom-lovers and constitutionalists to unite behind the idea of ridding the Republican Party of Karl Rove – once and for all.
If his despicable, reprehensible and irresponsible “joke” about Missouri Republican Senate candidate Todd Akin, a sitting member of Congress, in which Rove suggested he be murdered for his unfortunate gaffe about “legitimate rape” wasn’t enough of a reason for you to join me in this crusade, try this on for size.
A new book, “Planned Bullyhood,” by Karen Handel, the former vice president of Susan G. Komen for the Cure, the foundation that briefly cut off funds for Planned Parenthood earlier this year, says one of those pushing for reinstatement of that support was none other than the infamous Karl Rove.
In the book, Handel recalls Cure Chief Executive Officer Nancy Brinker telling her that “I’ve talked to a lot of people. And even Karl says we have to backtrack.” Handel, who said she didn’t know who “Karl” was at first, recalls Brinker clarifying that she was talking about Rove.
“We’re so sorry,” said Nancy. “We’re so sorry. But we just have to reverse course.”
“Karl? Who’s Karl?” Handel asked.
“She looked at me strangely as if I should know exactly who she was talking about. She said, ‘Karl Rove!’”
Handel, a Republican and former Georgia secretary of state, supported the decision to cut ties with Planned Parenthood. A week after Komen officials apologized and announced that Planned Parenthood would once again be eligible for grants, Handel resigned.
There you have it. What exactly does Karl Rove have to do before pro-life, conservative Republicans say, “Enough is enough!”
He sabotaged Todd Akin this year – not only condemning him publicly, but jesting about murdering him to a small group of Republican high donors in a bid to deprive the Republican Senate candidate of funding, all but ensuring Obama acolyte Claire McCaskill retains her Missouri U.S. Senate seat this year.
And that’s just this election cycle.
Think of what he has done in the past.
And what is it that the self-proclaimed “architect” has done for America and for the party?
To hear him tell it, he orchestrated George W. Bush’s victories in 2000 and 2004. But there are some problems with those assumptions. Bush won the 2000 election because Al Gore couldn’t win his home state of Tennessee. It came down to a few hundred votes in Florida for Bush to win the necessary electoral votes. In 2004, Bush squeaked out victory again. But it wasn’t because of Rove’s genius. It was due to the swiftboat campaign that Rove derided and discredited.
Yet there is Rove, night after night getting paid to spew political conventional wisdom on Fox News Channel. There he is doling out hundreds of millions of dollars from his super-PAC in 2012 – not to all Republican candidates chosen by their constituents, but only to those who genuflect to Karl Rove and the party establishment.
Karl Rove is a monster.
Please join me in urging Mitt Romney to cut his losses while he can and unceremoniously dump Rove before he sabotages Republican chances to win the White House and the U.S. Senate in 2012.
Lest we not forget he also trashed Palin,Bachmann and West
by Joseph Farah
Don’t even tell me about a big tent.
I don’t want to hear about it.
I know it’s the most important presidential election year in American history.
I know defeating Barack Obama is the highest of priorities.
I know we’re all supposed to stick together and speak no evil of those who are part of the anti-Obama coalition.
However, it’s time to air a little Republican dirty laundry.
It’s time to break Ronald Reagan’s 11th Commandment.
It’s time for all conservatives, libertarians, freedom-lovers and constitutionalists to unite behind the idea of ridding the Republican Party of Karl Rove – once and for all.
If his despicable, reprehensible and irresponsible “joke” about Missouri Republican Senate candidate Todd Akin, a sitting member of Congress, in which Rove suggested he be murdered for his unfortunate gaffe about “legitimate rape” wasn’t enough of a reason for you to join me in this crusade, try this on for size.
A new book, “Planned Bullyhood,” by Karen Handel, the former vice president of Susan G. Komen for the Cure, the foundation that briefly cut off funds for Planned Parenthood earlier this year, says one of those pushing for reinstatement of that support was none other than the infamous Karl Rove.
In the book, Handel recalls Cure Chief Executive Officer Nancy Brinker telling her that “I’ve talked to a lot of people. And even Karl says we have to backtrack.” Handel, who said she didn’t know who “Karl” was at first, recalls Brinker clarifying that she was talking about Rove.
“We’re so sorry,” said Nancy. “We’re so sorry. But we just have to reverse course.”
“Karl? Who’s Karl?” Handel asked.
“She looked at me strangely as if I should know exactly who she was talking about. She said, ‘Karl Rove!’”
Handel, a Republican and former Georgia secretary of state, supported the decision to cut ties with Planned Parenthood. A week after Komen officials apologized and announced that Planned Parenthood would once again be eligible for grants, Handel resigned.
There you have it. What exactly does Karl Rove have to do before pro-life, conservative Republicans say, “Enough is enough!”
He sabotaged Todd Akin this year – not only condemning him publicly, but jesting about murdering him to a small group of Republican high donors in a bid to deprive the Republican Senate candidate of funding, all but ensuring Obama acolyte Claire McCaskill retains her Missouri U.S. Senate seat this year.
And that’s just this election cycle.
Think of what he has done in the past.
- He likewise sabotaged Sharron Angle’s bid to unseat Harry Reid.
- He likewise sabotaged Christine O’Donnell’s bid for a Senate seat in Delaware.
- He likewise sabotaged Joe Miller’s bid for a Senate seat in Alaska.
And what is it that the self-proclaimed “architect” has done for America and for the party?
To hear him tell it, he orchestrated George W. Bush’s victories in 2000 and 2004. But there are some problems with those assumptions. Bush won the 2000 election because Al Gore couldn’t win his home state of Tennessee. It came down to a few hundred votes in Florida for Bush to win the necessary electoral votes. In 2004, Bush squeaked out victory again. But it wasn’t because of Rove’s genius. It was due to the swiftboat campaign that Rove derided and discredited.
Yet there is Rove, night after night getting paid to spew political conventional wisdom on Fox News Channel. There he is doling out hundreds of millions of dollars from his super-PAC in 2012 – not to all Republican candidates chosen by their constituents, but only to those who genuflect to Karl Rove and the party establishment.
Karl Rove is a monster.
Please join me in urging Mitt Romney to cut his losses while he can and unceremoniously dump Rove before he sabotages Republican chances to win the White House and the U.S. Senate in 2012.
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