The Hellenic Olympic Committee said that Papachristou was dropped from the Olympic team~ "for Freedom of speech statements?
Voula Papachristou has revealed how she has been left feeling "very bitter and upset" after the decision

I am so fed up with the world we live in today...why pray tell does everyone believe they have the right to control the thoughts of others and deny Freedom of Speech because it may offend someone..if one does not like what someone has to say...debate the issue and express your opinion...but by know means do you have the right to punish or control individuals thoughts..The United States of America was founded over the rebellion from oppression by the British Empire..our Founding Fathers wrote our Constitution and Bill of Rights to guarantee our freedoms.
The world we live in now consists of Thought Police and Controllers...we live in a world where suing has become the norm...cry babies and generally weak people led by control freaks Zealots and Elitists who believe they know what is best for long as they don't have to live by the same standard...'Do as I say not as I do"
I for one am sick and tired of the Gay Mafia ,ACLU,Progressives,CPUSA and Morons trying to force their Ideology down our throats..enough is enough folks...they are entitled to their opinions as are we...and 'We the People' will no longer be bullied by a minority of perverts with a corrupt agenda!
Let's start by demanding the UK Olympic Committee reinstate Greece athlete Voula Papachristou all she did was express her opinion of what she thought was that grounds to expel her from all the hard years of work she did to make her countries Olympic Team and participate...all over PC nonsense?
Voula Papachristou has revealed how she has been left feeling "very bitter and upset" after the decision

I am so fed up with the world we live in today...why pray tell does everyone believe they have the right to control the thoughts of others and deny Freedom of Speech because it may offend someone..if one does not like what someone has to say...debate the issue and express your opinion...but by know means do you have the right to punish or control individuals thoughts..The United States of America was founded over the rebellion from oppression by the British Empire..our Founding Fathers wrote our Constitution and Bill of Rights to guarantee our freedoms.
The world we live in now consists of Thought Police and Controllers...we live in a world where suing has become the norm...cry babies and generally weak people led by control freaks Zealots and Elitists who believe they know what is best for long as they don't have to live by the same standard...'Do as I say not as I do"
I for one am sick and tired of the Gay Mafia ,ACLU,Progressives,CPUSA and Morons trying to force their Ideology down our throats..enough is enough folks...they are entitled to their opinions as are we...and 'We the People' will no longer be bullied by a minority of perverts with a corrupt agenda!
Let's start by demanding the UK Olympic Committee reinstate Greece athlete Voula Papachristou all she did was express her opinion of what she thought was that grounds to expel her from all the hard years of work she did to make her countries Olympic Team and participate...all over PC nonsense?
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