Tuesday evening on Fox News’ The O’Reilly Factor, Bill O’Reilly demonstrated just how ignorant he is when it comes to guns and gun laws. He was so insecure about his own thinking in regards to this that he hardly gave Rep. Jason Chaffetz opportunity to respond. But when Chaffetz did, he schooled O’Reilly in the No Spin Zone.
O’Reilly claimed that it “made sense” for the sale of all “heavy weapons” be reported to the FBI and that a law like that was “badly needed.” Now O’Reilly didn’t define exactly what he meant by that till the Congressman misunderstood what he said. Then he claimed he was speaking about “machine guns, mortars, howitzers.”
Now understand they were speaking in light of the Aurora, Colorado shooting. Not one of these devices were used in that shooting. James Holmes was armed with a shotgun, an AR-15, and two handguns.
O’Reilly said that people train at a flight school and the FBI is alerted. That must be news to the Department of Homeland Security who allowed 25 illegals to have flight training and an illegal alien to own the school. He then compared it to purchasing a machine gun and the FBI is not alerted.
For O’Reilly to claim that his show is the “No Spin Zone” he did a lot of spinning. Chaffetz rightly pointed out that you must get permission to purchase a machine gun. You need a class three license that is given by the ATF and there is a thorough background check. You can ask me how I know this via email if you like.
In addition to that, when a person goes to purchase a firearm the FBI is not “alerted” per se. For instance, if one does not have a concealed carry permit then paperwork is filled out and kept on site. The FBI is contacted to make sure that you are eligible to purchase the firearm, but they are not to be keeping records of that phone call. However, if you have a concealed weapon permit, then you have already gone through a background check and you simply fill out paperwork, which stays on site, and go on your merry way.
Tuesday evening on Fox News’ The O’Reilly Factor, Bill O’Reilly demonstrated just how ignorant he is when it comes to guns and gun laws. He was so insecure about his own thinking in regards to this that he hardly gave Rep. Jason Chaffetz opportunity to respond. But when Chaffetz did, he schooled O’Reilly in the No Spin Zone.

O’Reilly claimed that it “made sense” for the sale of all “heavy weapons” be reported to the FBI and that a law like that was “badly needed.” Now O’Reilly didn’t define exactly what he meant by that till the Congressman misunderstood what he said. Then he claimed he was speaking about “machine guns, mortars, howitzers.”
Now understand they were speaking in light of the Aurora, Colorado shooting. Not one of these devices were used in that shooting. James Holmes was armed with a shotgun, an AR-15, and two handguns.
O’Reilly said that people train at a flight school and the FBI is alerted. That must be news to the Department of Homeland Security who allowed 25 illegals to have flight training and an illegal alien to own the school. He then compared it to purchasing a machine gun and the FBI is not alerted.
For O’Reilly to claim that his show is the “No Spin Zone” he did a lot of spinning. Chaffetz rightly pointed out that you must get permission to purchase a machine gun. You need a class three license that is given by the ATF and there is a thorough background check. You can ask me how I know this via email if you like.
In addition to that, when a person goes to purchase a firearm the FBI is not “alerted” per se. For instance, if one does not have a concealed carry permit then paperwork is filled out and kept on site. The FBI is contacted to make sure that you are eligible to purchase the firearm, but they are not to be keeping records of that phone call. However, if you have a concealed weapon permit, then you have already gone through a background check and you simply fill out paperwork, which stays on site, and go on your merry way.
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