
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Obama: We Live in the “Most Peaceful” Era in Human History
oped: Good Lord~ Barry Barack Hussein Soetoro Davis Obama or whatever his real name one mentally ill dude...suffering from Narcissistic personality disorder bordering on bi-polar disease...I just pray we can survive his remaining 9 months in office!

It seems like every other day we report something Obama has said that leaves us bewildered.   

This time, he’s out boasting about how we live in the “most peaceful” era in history.
I suppose 9/11, ISIS beheadings and the slaughter of innocents in Paris could have escaped his mind in that moment.  Sure.
Minimizing the threat and touting our good fortune are well-known Obama tactics to distract the sheeple from reality.
Just because he has stalled the war against militant islamic terrorism doesn’t mean there isn’t a war to be fought.   

CNS News reports:  President Barack Obama, speaking in Germany on Monday, said we’re fortunate to be living in the “most peaceful” era in human history.
“I want to begin with an observation that, given the challenges that we face in the world and the headlines we see every day, may seem improbable but it’s true. We are fortuate to be living in the most peaceful, most prosperous, most progressive era in human history,” he said.
“That may surprise young people who are watching TV or looking at your phones,” he said, “and it seems like only bad news comes through every day, but consider it’s been decades since the last war between major powers.”
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