
Thursday, April 28, 2016

Attention Ted Cruz...Donald Trump Bottom Line...*UPDATE*

Image result for ted cruz vs donald trump funny pictures
Update: Congratulations to both for a hard fight...Thank you Donald Trump for praising Ted Cruz ~ I can only hope and pray now that you have turned a new leaf and will embrace conservative values 100%...if you want to earn my vote in the general you must keep your promises as stated in the primary...also hit Hillary Clinton hard without holding back and select Ted Cruz for a SCOTUS appointment! Nothing short will do!

The GOP primary is winding down y'all both put up a good fight on different levels...some I approved of others were on the *shouldn't have done that* level.
Having said that here is how I see it now:

Ted Cruz: Indiana is your Alamo for all intents and purposes if you achieve the proverbial blowout and take all the delegates by all means continue on thru California...if you don't... drop out... congratulate Donald Trump and get back to work in the Senate.

Donald Trump: If Ted Cruz drops out after Indiana or California congratulate him on a good fight...mend the fences and submit Ted Cruz for a appointment to SCOTUS as he is a great constitutional attorney in the same bent as Scalia.
We cannot take another four years of progressive far left must promise to deliver on the promises you have made on the campaign trail...we do not want to wake up after the election with another Barack Obama the proverbial wolf in sheep clothing! It could very well lead to the second 1776 Revolution as people would be at the end of the proverbial road!
Also get off the PC #LGBT transgender Bath Room is costing you many votes...would you want your wife or grandaughters sharing the BR with a dude dressed as a woman?

Good luck to both of fair and play nice with each other reserve your attacks to the opposition progressive party candidate!

addendum: Whomever wins the primary and general might also want to consider Little Marco for a appointment as AG or DHS he earned it imho:)
Image result for ted cruz vs donald trump funny pictures

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