As the Republican clown show pitches its tent in New York for the primary there, the media have made an issue once again of Senator Ted Cruz’s “New York values” comment.
“New York values” appeared as a campaign issue back in January when Cruz said during a radio interview, “You know Donald [Trump] comes from New York and he embodies New York values.” During the GOP presidential debate on Fox Business days later, moderator Maria Bartiromo brought up the remark and questioned Cruz about what he meant.
“I think most people know exactly what New York values are,” Cruz said.
Bartiromo responded, “I am from New York, I don’t.”
To which Cruz replied, “You’re from New York so you might not, but I promise you in the state of South Carolina, they do.”
He went on to explain that the values in New York City are socially liberal, pro-abortion and pro-gay marriage.
Of course, Christians knew what Cruz meant, as did most everyone outside of the liberal bastions of power, the mainstream media, snooty academics and some self-aggrandizing, vainglorious progressive circles. But Cruz was vilified for the statement by the establishment media for days afterward.
Not vilified by the MSM was leftist establishment New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who ensconced Cruz’s description of “New York values” as fact just a few days later. In a conversation with Susan Arbetter on “The Capitol Pressroom” — an interview ignored by the U.S. captured media — Cuomo had this to say:
The Republican Party candidates are running against the SAFE Act — it was voted for by moderate Republicans who run the Senate! Their problem is not me and the Democrats; their problem is themselves. Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are. (Emphasis mine. –BL)I hasten to add that the phrase “anti-gay” is a code word and deliberate attempt to cast those who believe in the Biblical view of marriage as hateful extremists. Christians do not “hate” homosexuals – nor anyone else. They cannot do so and follow the tenets of Christianity.
But if you are conservative, oppose abortion, support the 2nd Amendment and believe in the sanctity of marriage as established by God as a union of one man and one woman, New York values, Cuomo tells us, means you are not welcome there. And this is accepted as a form of “tolerance” by the New York values crowd.
More “New York values” were on display last week from the tabloid Daily News, which, to much acclaim in the liberal media, ran with a cover containing an abbreviated expletive — “Take the FU Train, Ted!” – in a headline directed at Cruz. That media and New Yorkers would not decry the use of an expletive on the cover of a major newspaper demonstrates a lot about New York values.

Last week the Mississippi legislature passed and Gov. Phil Bryant signed a bill that will protect religious liberty in the state.
The bill prohibits discrimination against individuals, religious organizations and businesses that have “religious beliefs or moral convictions” holding that marriage “should be recognized as the union of one man and one woman.”
It also allows religious leaders to refuse to “solemnize any marriage” or provide wedding-related services if doing so runs contrary to their religious beliefs. (I note here that President Bill Clinton signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act in 1993 — which supposedly did much the same thing as the Mississippi bill — after it passed the House unanimously and the Senate 97-3.)
The bill was crafted to prevent instances of state and local government assaults on the religious liberties of people like Masterpiece Cakeshop owner Jack Phillips, Arlene’s Flowers & Gifts owner Barronelle Stutzman and Elane’s Photography owner Elane Huguenin, whose 1st Amendment rights were trampled underfoot by their states which sought to force them to participate in activities they find reprehensible.
Those people, and others — like Sweet Cakes by Melissa owners Aaron and Melissa Klein — were subjected to fines and penalties that included forced government indoctrination on “tolerance” not because they caused any harm to sodomites seeking to marry, but because they declined to participate in the latest government- and media-promoted anti-Christian perversion.
Following the bill’s signing, Cuomo again demonstrated “New York values” by issuing an executive order forbidding any state employees from traveling to Mississippi. Upon releasing news of the order, Cuomo proclaimed – without a hint of irony – that:
Discrimination is not a New York value. We believe our diversity is our greatest strength, and we will continue to reject the politics of division and exclusion. This Mississippi law is a sad, hateful injustice against the LGBT community, and I will not allow any non-essential official travel to that state until it is repealed.Under New York values, it’s OK to exclude pro-life, pro-Constitution Christians from the state, but Christians cannot be allowed to be protected from intolerant sodomites seeking to force their will upon Christians who simply want to be left free to pursue their religion as they see fit.
Cuomo had previously banned state employee travel to North Carolina after that state passed a law prohibiting so-called transgendered individuals from using restrooms designated for the opposite sex. The North Carolina law is a commonsense move designed to protect women and children from sexual predators who would lurk in bathrooms to gawk or video them (some examples of which can be seen here, here and here.)
The “New York values” Cruz talked about and Cuomo demonstrated are the values of the establishment and globalists, so it’s not surprising that Bartiromo — an establishment media hack — other establishment media and establishment politicians agree with them.
New York values are Washington, D.C., values and both are anti-Christian values. Even those “conservative national leaders” who campaign on a “family values” platform inevitably fold to the temptations available to those with money and power, as well as to the pressure of the sodomites and lesbians, once they arrive in Washington, the District of Criminals.
The political vision of the “family” is no more virtuous or accurate than the political vision of the “community.” For the establishment, the entire world is a global “community” comprised of innumerable multicultural “communities,” so is the “family.” It does not matter what kind of “values” the politicians espouse, whether “conservative” or “liberal,” when their intent is to subordinate all values and ideas and people and things to the power of central government. Their ultimate value is collectivism.
Collectivism is the natural political outcome of moral degeneracy, hence the embrasure of “New York values.”
How has the American nation fallen so far that the masses and the politicians not only accept but endorse “New York values” such as these?
The answer is: tolerance. The politicians have taught Americans to tolerate everything except that which is Godly.
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