When I see videos of bug-eyed Muslim dorks strafing cafes and concert halls in Paris, and then I see videos of Obama, Kerry, Hillary and MSNBC’s PC-punks scared crapless to even mention that they’re Islamic terrorists, I get a real … bad … feeling.
Our willfully blinded, and thus complicit, President, plus
our politically correct culture, is setting us up to be b-slapped by
Muslim death dealers who are being wet nursed in Islamic death cults,
fueled with 7th century horse-scat, who are feasting feverishly on a
steady diet of Anti-American animus.
Indeed, for the doe-eyed daft among us, who still don’t,
or won’t, get it yet, these Muslim boys who currently reside across the
sea (and some across your street), whom Obama also intends to import by
the hundreds-of-thousands to a town near you, are out to erase us.
Yep, I believe they’re going to hit us hard, I’m talkin’
real hard, if we don’t wake up and get a pro-American,
kiss-my-ass-and-die attitude back into our national warp and woof.
Here’s the rub for moi: Muslim young men dig jihad
and our President and country love tripping over ourselves to not upset
these death dealers while obsessing on #Mizzou made-up minutiae as they
keep up with the Kardashians.
To put it another way … Al Qaeda operative Maulana
Inyadullah said succinctly, “[Americans] love Pepsi, and we love death.”
To which I would add: we also adore “political correctness” and the
cosmically inconsequential.
I believe that if we, as a nation (especially young
adults), don’t toughen up a bit—and do it quick—we’re not going to have
the long-term stuff to cudgel off these persistent, un-evolved, demonic
Indeed, as I begin to stare at my 53-year mark and try to
see down the road regarding the land my girls and their kids will
inherit, I begin to shake like Shemp did when he didn’t have any cheese
at the real possibility of the end of this great American experiment in
I believe our increasingly effeminate culture doesn’t
stand a long-term chance in hell against Muslim mayhem—unless we beef up
a bunch and get back some of the now-endangered American resolve. And
that goes for every American—whatever your politics, sexual bent and
musical taste.
Yep, if we don’t recognize and realign spiritually,
physically and politically to stave off these Islamic zombies, then
within 50+/- years we will be another head on Muhammad’s trophy room
Don’t believe me? Look across the pond. Europe is history
as far as their heyday goes. With diminishing birth rates and a thinning
of skin, and an open border to Islamic bullshit, it won’t be too long
before the EU is Islam’s prison chick . . . mop head wig, lipstick and
Having run out of analogies, adjectives and time, let me
put this to you in a song I wrote (to be sung to the tune of “Imagine,”
by John Lennon).
It’s easy if you try
Just a big Muslim mess
No Stars and Stripes to fly
Imagine all our people
Living as Islamic slaves
Imagine there’s no Country & Western
It isn’t hard to do
No baseball or hot dogs
As far a freedom goes, we’re screwed
Imagine all our pretty girls
Wearing black little sheets
You may say that I’m a doom-n-gloomer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll wake the heck up
And our nation will still be strong
Imagine there’s no possessions
That’s the Muslim plan
No need for Ford or Chevy
A veritable Suckistan
Imagine all our people
Losing all we have
You may say that I’m a doom-n-gloomer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll wake the hell up
And our nation will still be strong
Share if you think America is screwed unless we do something about Islam
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