
Monday, February 16, 2015

Islamic terror and the great deception


The unseen adepts who rule America also rule the world. They are masters at understanding human nature.
They have spent hundreds of years creating the public mindset which they manipulate in our generation with the most perfect precision. Words, phrases and thought patterns are a political science that triggers exact and predictable responses to political rhetoric.
They have many names — the elite, Illuminati, Zionists, Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, World Bank and International Monetary Fund, to name a few — but in the end they are one in the same. Their goals are one in the same. Their goals are not your goals, but they are masters at convincing you they are.

The masses are programmed into a mental straightjacket and few will ever escape. Not more than a few thousand people in the entire world think their own thoughts and are alert to the nature and spirit of political anarchy that reigns as Western civilization. We have come to believe that chaos is order, that war is peace.
Islamic terrorism is a perfect example of their handiwork. It is the greatest deception of this age and is being used to deprive you of your sons and daughters, your wealth, your liberty and, if you are a Christian, your faith.
Islamists and the threat of Islamic terrorism are being used as a sort of controlled opposition by the elite power brokers and have been for many years — beginning at least in the 1950s when Kermit Roosevelt instigated the Iranian coup to overthrow the democratically elected prime minister of Iran, Mohammad Mosaddegh, on behalf of Big Oil. The U.S. and its allies have systematically and alternately armed and fought Islamists — often arming and fighting them at the same time, as now with the Islamic State — in order to keep the Middle East in turmoil and check any nation-state opposition to Saudi Arabia and Israel.

Americans have been brainwashed by constant fearmongering from CFR-controlled propagandists, also known as the mainstream media, to believe there are terrorists under every rock who are driven by a desire to kill us all because of our way of life. This is part of their great disinformation campaign.
How is it that the politicos almost always succeed in bringing people captive? People are led captive when their beliefs and, thus, their allegiances are reversed. All of life’s concerns are then reversed, from tradition to morality to institutions at every level of life. This means that such captivity is a saturation of mass deception, to the point of ignoring self-interest and going along with voluntary destruction.
Republicans claim to have the corner on genuine conservatism, much as Democrats claim to have the corner on genuine liberalism. Both claims are untrue but are perceived as true, thanks to mass deception. Today’s conservatism and liberalism are but twin pincers of the same, dynamic, ever-changing, collectivist dialectic.

I want to limit my examination to the conservative side of the problem because today’s pseudoconservatives/neoconservatives are particularly adept at leading astray large numbers of middle-class Americans, especially Christians, patriots and other good folks. Also, if not for the consistent acquiescence of Republican “conservatives” to the collectivist agenda, America would have retained its limited, constitutional Republic, even in this “sophisticated” day and age.
Note that even in a federal government dominated by a Republican supposedly conservative majority, the federal leviathan always grows in power, coupled together with New World Order. After all, it was Bush I who began the perpetual war under which we now labor. It began in Iraq and Kuwait in January 1991 and has not ended.

In all that time the war strategy has not changed. America has remained on a war footing with planes flying and military men (and women) patrolling one Middle East or African country or another, regardless of whether the president’s name was followed by an “R” or a “D.” It continued under Bill Clinton (who bombed Christians in Bosnia with even more fervor than he bombed aspirin factories in Khartoum and who sent troops to die in Somalia), Bush II (who expanded the war to Iraq and Pakistan and drone-bombed Somalia) and Barack Obama (who has continued it in Pakistan, Iraq and Somalia and spread it to Yemen, Libya and Syria).
Obama has lately acquiesced to public pressure — such as it was — and submitted an Authorization for Use of Military Force agreement to Congress in order to battle Islamic State or IS or ISIS or IL — whatever its nom du jour.

This is a sham. Obama has been fighting a war with the Islamic State for months via a bombing campaign. Curiously, some of the “bombs” he’s dropped have been caches of weapons and supplies. And those upon whom he’s supposedly dropping bombs are many of the same groups who stood alongside Sen. John McCain at the war’s outset — and called “moderates” — and who have been armed and trained by U.S. agents.
The Islamic State is Obama’s creation… with an assist from the House of Saud, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey and other U.S. allies and vassal states. It was spawned with al-Qaida operatives (originally created by the Ronald Reagan CIA to fight Russia in Afghanistan) trained and equipped by U.S. agencies to first overthrow Moammar Gadhafi and then Bashar Assad

Recall that Obama launched a “humanitarian” war on Gadhafi in which U.S. and NATO (hint: NATO is the U.S. and the U.S. is NATO) planes bombed Libyan military and innocents alike, paving the way for “rebels” to destroy the nation and bring down Gadhafi. This left the region in chaos — a nation that tolerated Christianity and was stable and prosperous — and gave the Islamic State its launching pad. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people have since died in Libya and Syria, thanks to Obama’s “humanitarian” war, including American
arms dealerAmbassador Christopher Stephens and three others at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.
But the Republican warmongers are saying Obama’s AUMF doesn’t go far enough, even though it gives Obama blank check “authorization” to fight the Islamic State wherever it is. In other words, if the Islamic State is in Paris or Brisbane, Australia, or New Orleans, Obama can drone strike or Tomahawk them into oblivion, if he so chooses. But because Obama’s AUMF seeks to limit the number of ground troops, the neocons aren’t happy.

No war, it seems, is big enough for the neocons and the New World Order. They want a promise of boots on the ground. Tens of thousands of U.S. men and women missing limbs and suffering from severe head trauma and PTSD are is not enough for them, apparently. Twenty-four years of war with no end in sight and a Middle East that is even more unstable than when the war began is not enough for them, apparently.
The CFR-controlled media whores are ginning up a murderous fervor over the Islamic States’ beheading of Americans, the savage murder of the Jordanian pilot and now the death of a misguided young woman who fell into the hands of the Islamic State. But that same media essentially ignores the dozens of beheadings carried out each year in Saudi Arabia and other America-friendly Islamic nations, just as it ignores and/or covers Saudi Arabia’s and Israel’s ties to 9/11 — the impetus for the expanded military operation.

The media whores prominently feature former military generals and corporatist funded “analysts” on their shows, touting the need for war and the alleged danger to Americans from “Islamic extremists.” The ties those generals and analysts still hold to the Pentagon, intelligence agencies, the war materials manufacturers, the Saudis, the Turks and Israel are never revealed and never questioned. The talking heads constantly tell us that “sources tell them” that the “danger” is real and that the Islamic State and al-Qaida are at work in America recruiting. But they never tell us that these “sources” work for the same government agencies arming and equipping the patsies to carry out attacks and attempted attacks on American soil.
The masses — especially those on American right — lap it up and agitate for war to eliminate the dreaded “scourge” created by American foreign policy, armed by America and its allies and given impetus and recruiting propaganda by the American intervention, occupation and terror war (yes, drone bombing civilians in sovereign countries is a terror war). Even so-called Christians call for mass genocide on Islamists with calls to “nuke” the whole Middle East and “turn it into a sea of glass.”

But how is this “Christian?” What type of Christian agitates for the murder of innocents, particularly women and children? Why, the American conservative one, of course.
They gladly send their sons, their daughters, their husbands and their wives off to fight and be maimed or killed under some misguided sense of patriotism and honor. They hero worship an “American Sniper” who admitted to killing women and children and claimed to have murdered 30 New Orleans residents in Hurricane Katrina’s aftermath.
They can’t fathom that all wars in the past 100-plus years are bankster wars that benefit the globalists and advance the New World Order and that the wars “over there” are not to keep America free but to enslave it under new American policies like the Patriot Act, the NDAA, Homeland Security and NSA snooping and to steal more American wealth through higher taxes and money printing to fund the fighting.

Here is an awful but straightforward truth: America’s goal is to factionalize and destabilize the region for the benefit of the New World Order, American corporatists and the banksters and the benefit of Saudi Arabia and Israel. These countries, along with Turkey, essentially own American government through bribes, cronyism, weapons purchases, etc. The U.S. overthrew a legitimate government in Libya because Gadhafi was threatening to abandon the petro dollar, and then it ran guns through Benghazi to Islamists in order to overthrow or destabilize Syria in anticipation of a move on Iran. The whole purpose of the Islamic State is to destabilize Syria for Saudi Arabia’s and Israel’s benefit and to the detriment of Russia.
In other words, the so-called “war on terror” is not a war on terror at all. Americans have been propagandized into believing the country’s motives in the Middle East are about defeating terrorism and spreading democracy. But the motives are much more sinister

And for that Americans are more than willing to sacrifice their sons, their daughters, their husbands, their wives and their souls.

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