
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Forget Congress! Liberal Groups Send Obama Executive Action ‘To-Do’ Lists

Dozens of liberal-leaning groups are lining up to demand President Obama take executive action on a wide range of regulations and reforms that have no chance of passing a Republican-led Congress next year.
For some groups, the lists are long and specific: A call by the Center for Progressive Reform to implement stricter smog rules, tougher food safety regulations and expanded federal oversight of streams and wetlands.
Dozens of Hispanic organizations, meanwhile, joined together a day after the election to demand in writing that Obama take executive action to legalize millions of immigrants now living in the United States.
Other groups are suddenly asking for new executive action to further raise the minimum wage and implement other workplace requirements aimed at raising the standard of living for low-wage workers.

A coalition of liberal lawmakers and advocacy groups on Monday plans to announce a “To-Do List” for Obama, which includes raising a $10.10 federal minimum wage that would be implemented in January.
“The president has two years left,” Paco Fabian, a spokesman for Good Jobs Nation, an advocacy group for low-wage federal contract workers, told the Washington Examiner. “He’s got a legacy to worry about. That could be a definite incentive for him to do this.”
More than 50 liberal groups that have sent similar post-election wish lists, hoping Obama will agree to their demands out of a desire to cement his legacy.
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