
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Modern American Patriot: A New Hope

by:Mike "Cav" Davis 

The modern American patriot is an anomaly in our country. In a nation full of self absorbed and vapid people, the American patriot stands as a symbol for everything that makes this nation great. We patriots are the last holdouts, the last bit of resistance in a nation that is imploding into apathy and delusion. While everyone else focuses on who will win the Super Bowl or who will be on The Bachelor next season, the patriot stands ready to defend our nation and the Constitution. This nation was founded by tough men and women who wouldn’t take crap and who understood that liberty was worth fighting and dying for and this nation will be saved by the same people.

It is interesting to consider the varying backgrounds of the modern American patriot because we are not universally anything. We are not exclusively Christian, we are not exclusively a specific gender, we are not exclusively veterans, nor are we exclusively anything else. It is just something inside of a small percentage of this nation, a seed in our souls that has told us that we cannot sit idly by and watch our nation burn. We, the few who are willing to lay down our lives, our relationships, and our very freedom in defense of what we know is right is so unusual in a nation full of sheep who have their eyes blindfolded to the truth. No matter what some will say, we are the best of this nation. American patriots hardly align on almost anything and our ranks are rife with infighting and discord, but we universally understand the value of what this nation means and everything that we are losing.  We understand that our lives mean nothing without freedom and we understand that liberty, more than anything else granted to us by God, is worth fighting for.  We patriots stand ready to defend the rights of people who aren’t willing to fight for anything greater than themselves.

It is not easy to be a modern American patriot and it comes with many dangers and pitfalls. We are scorned by the individual citizen all the way up to the highest levels of government. We have been labeled domestic terrorists and wing nuts. We are monitored and we are threatened. Our belief in a nation where all men have the right to life, liberty and property has created a separation between us and the rest of a nation that worships a concept where everyone is part of a collective. We are mocked when we speak of the concept of the strength of the individual.  We are feared when we say that we believe that every man and woman should have the right to be able to defend themselves from criminals and tyrants. We believe that this right, which is granted to us by God shall not be infringed by any man or by any governmental agency.

revowarleadDo you want to see what our founding fathers and those who stood with them against British tyranny looked like? Move away from your laptop, your tablet or your phone.  Stand in front of a mirror and see the face of those who pulled together with will and blood the greatest nation the world has ever seen.  Look at the face of America and the face of America’s salvation. When or if it becomes necessary to wrestle our country back from the brink. When there are no more options left and there are no ways left in the current political system to affect change, the face staring back at you in the mirror will be part of what will bring our nation back. Your dedication and willingness to sacrifice for what is right will make the difference between destruction and rebirth. God bless you all and God bless the Republic.

Side Note:
Editor of SHTF Journal. Served as a Cavalry Scout from 2005-2009. Iraq Veteran. and is a member of  Oath Keepers :
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