
Sunday, September 7, 2014

Interview #1: Rebekah Kennedy (Actress) - June 1, 2014

Rebekah Kennedy spent time on the Dallas International Film Festival ... oped: Now how could anyone in there right mind Bully the girl next door? Dang... Bekah is one sweetie who sticks up for the underdogs..and by the way she married her HS sweetheart Mr.Man 'Brandon'...and they surely are a cute couple and complement each other:) 
But she is correct about bullies...they are not exclusive to the poor,rich or anything in between...they are equal  opportunity Bekah said...most likely jealous...that always seems to be the common denominator...I for one was only bullied in elementary school..only once though...I was the class clown and 'Mr. I like everyone'...well a bully did not like this so he attacked me...when I got home and told my dad...he just shook his head and said...hit em' back with all ya or lose it will end it if'n ya stand your ground.

Well the next day I did just that...and ya know what I was never bullied again...I was known as the lil funny dude who will hit back if attacked [Oh and I grew up to be a bad ass...Army Cav and finished my career in LE...:) 'To serve and Protect' was me motto along with entertain from time to time:)...I passed this on to my daughters and grandkids...and ya know what they were only  bullied once also..:) I miss my dad! 
Alrighty then on to the interview: 

1. Because this interview is about bullying lets start with a semi-obvious question. Were you ever bullied? If yes, then (if you are comfortable with telling so), why? I am thankful that I was never really bullied in school. But there were times when I felt left out. Or I wasn't invited to something my friends were. Now with social media, I have had hateful things said to me online.
2. What, in your own words, does the word 'bullying' mean to you? The word 'bullying' means to me constant verbal abuse and/or threats. Being scared in school or go to school. Or even in the work place. Being miserable and not feeling like you have friends that will stand up for you. Thinking you need to change something about yourself you think others don't like. It means not being able to be yourself. Or thinking you just aren't enough.
3. Why, in your own personal opinion, does bullying occur/happen? I think bullying often occurs for a variety of different reasons. I think it frequently happens when a person might be perceived as 'different.' Maybe they just don't like the person they are bullying or jealous of them. They like to feel strong and powerful over someone. They might think it's fun or make them popular. Or they might even feel insecure and they think it will help them fit in with their peers.
4. Being a stage and film actor, do you think actors on set get bullied, too? [Yes/No] Why? I definitely think actors can get bullied on set. I'm grateful that I haven't had to deal with any of that, and have worked with amazing people. But sometimes actors might be bullied into doing something that wasn't originally in the script. There's a lot of pressure coming from all directions, and it can be hard for actors to stand up for themselves. Especially when it's something that makes them feel uncomfortable. It can also happen from other co-stars on set. Particularly if an actor is new and trying to fit in. 

5. What, in your opinion, do you think most people get bullied for today is? Why? Like I said earlier, I think bullying does happen for a variety of reasons. But I think people are really afraid of others that are different. Especially kids. It's easier to make fun of or bully, instead of trying to love and accept everyone for who they are. I think it also often happens when kids or adults are perceived as weak, and it seems easy to bulldoze over them. And with the internet and social media, it's become even easier to bully others while hiding behind a computer screen. Or even kids and adults that do it anonymously to hurt others. There can be no escape now. I'm not really sure why people think it's okay to bully others, but I definitely think something is not right in their own lives.
6. Lets go off topic for a minute. Are there any charities or campaigns that you support? A couple of the charities I support are Alex's Lemonade Stand. It's a foundation for childhood cancer started by a little girl named Alex. The organization raises money to help find a cure for children with cancer. Another one is The Gentle Barn in Santa Clarita, California. They help 'teach people kindness and compassion to animals. Each other. And our planet.' You can check out their website to visit our volunteer. and
 7. This, again, is not about bullying but are there any worldwide issues that you have a voice for- you're against the issue or act or you support the issue or act? There are many issues, but one is the issue of human trafficking. They are estimated 20.9 million victims of human trafficking worldwide! Roughly 5.5 million of those victims are children. I definitely support the groups that bring awareness and are actively trying to combat the human trafficking issue. 

8. What would you like to see less of in the world and more of in the world on terms of making this world a better place? One thing I've noticed in my industry [professional acting] is a lack of willingness to reach out and help others. I think we can get so involved with our own achievements and success that we forget we all started at the beginning. And simple acts of support and sending someone in the right direction can really make a difference in someone's life. I would definitely like to see more of this and not only in our industry but within the world too. With the help and support of others, I think we could solve many of the world's issues.

Thank you so much, Rebekah! Visit actress Rebekah Kennedy on her official website at to learn about her projects and the actress herself.

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