
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Trey Gowdy’s 5-minute takedown of The NY Times

A South Carolina GOP congressman took down The New York Times’ recent coverage of Benghazi in an epic five-minute rant Monday on Fox News’ “On The Record.”
In his opening salvo, U.S. Rep. Trey Gowdy congratulated the “Grey Lady” for taking “15 months to figure out how to spell ‘Benghazi.’” The paper reported that the attack was prompted by an anti-Islamic video, a theory that has been disproved and discredited for over a year.
“In another 15 months, maybe their reporting will actually catch up with the truth,” Gowdy added.
After listing the major points The Times got wrong in its “exhaustive” investigative report, Gowdy asked the question many House Republicans have been asking: “Why were we even there? Why was Chris Stevens in Benghazi that night?”
The congressman suggested that The Times article was merely an attempt to re-write history and pave the way for a Hillary Clinton presidency.

“I want you to read it six times and tell me if you can tell who the secretary of state was when Benghazi happened,” he said. “Because her name wasn’t mentioned a single, solitary time in this exhaustive New York Times piece – not once.”
Watch the takedown below.

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