by: Dean Garrison
How many times must we sit idly and listen to the rhetoric spewed by world governments that seek to protect Islam?
For those who may have missed the story over the weekend, at least 17 people are now confirmed dead from a suicide bomber in Volgograd (Southern Russia, formerly known as Stalingrad). RT.com reports:
According to verified information, the explosion at the railway station in Volgograd has claimed 16 lives, “Russia’s Investigative Committee said. However later Interfax news agency reported that the death toll has risen to 17, after one victim who was in critical condition died overnight.
At least 44 people were injured, 38 of whom were hospitalized, including a nine-year-old girl. The child has been taken to a local hospital and is expected to be flown to Moscow soon.
The incident is being treated as an act of terrorism, the committee spokesman Vladimir Markin said.
The blast took place at 12.45 local time inside the building of the railway. It is “thought to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber,” according to the anti-terrorism committee’s statement.
Since the time when the original suspect was identified there has been a development. She was identified by her severed head, ironically enough. Now there has been the discovery of a severed finger which is believed to be from a male co-conspirator:
The female was initially identified as Oksana Aslanova, a close friend of Naida Asiyalova – also known as ‘Amaturahman’ – who was behind the October Volgograd attack. Aslanova is said to have been married twice to two militants, both eliminated earlier.
A few hours later, more evidence emerged suggesting that a man could have also been involved in the attack. The version, which was also picked up by investigators, came after a male finger with a pin from a grenade was found at the scene.
No information seems to be available for the potential identity of the male but we know a couple of things about Oksana Aslanova. She is a Muslim convert who was not once but twice widowed by militant jihadists. Let’s get a bit of background on her friend Naida Asiyalova and the subculture that they were both seemingly products of. Christian Science Monitor reports:
A similar bombing barely two months ago, which demolished a Volgograd city bus and killed six people, was revealed to be the work of a female suicide bomber from Russia’s insurgency-wracked southern province of Dagestan. Such women have been dubbed “black widows” because they often turn out to be family members of Islamist rebels killed by Russian security forces, recruited to stage revenge attacks on “soft” Russian targets.
If the suicide bomber turns out to be this woman from Dagestan then there is no doubt that she came from a breeding ground for terrorism and that she had a plausible motive.
Here is a video of the explosion:
Here is a video of the aftermath:
More details are sure to follow. Was the third time the charm for Aslanova? Was the male finger found attached to the grenade pin a third husband?
Any time I find myself writing about Islamic terrorism, I find myself just a little more nauseous than before.
I am sure I speak for many when I say that I grow weary of reporting these stories. I am sure that you are sick of reading these stories as well, but until people and world governments wake up, we have to keep throwing the truth out there.
Oksana Aslanova was a beautiful young woman at one time. Now she is just another Rolling Stone cover waiting to happen.
Wake up people.
This is not the “Religion of Peace.”
Update: A 2nd Attack happened less than 24 hours later when a bus was hit by a suicide bomber, killing another 14 people.
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