By Alan Caruba
A President reveals a lot about himself by his choices of his
cabinet members to head various government departments and agencies.
Some choices turn out to be historically significant such as Truman’s
Secretary of State, George Marshall or Nixon’s choice of Henry
Kissinger, but since the President sets policy, the blame or approval
belongs to him.
Nor is it unusual for cabinet members to leave after a first term
if a President is reelected. What has been unusual for President Obama’s
first term has been the appointment of an entire shadow government of
advisors known as his “czars”; people who functioned behind the scenes
with unknown levels of power to influence and even determine policy.
One, Van Jones, was an avowed Communist and, when that became known, he
resigned. The obvious problem with the czars is the total lack of
transparency they represent and the fact that their appointments—not
being cabinet-level, but deemed to be only advisory—by-passed the
requirement of Congressional approval.
As of this writing, his most famous appointment, Hillary Clinton, has
stepped down as Obama’s Secretary of State to be replaced by one of the
greatest dunces to serve in the Senate, John Kerry. He began his career
in politics as a Vietnam veteran who testified before Congress that his
fellow veterans had engaged in acts that violated the Geneva Convention.
When he ran for President, his fellow Swift Boat veterans revealed the
scope of his lies about his own service. Kerry’s judgment has proven
wrong on so many foreign policy issues it would take a book to chronicle
them. In his first two days in office he saw the delivery of fighter
jets to an Egypt that is no longer an ally and now in the hands of
avowed enemies, the Muslim Brotherhood. Hillary traveled incessantly,
but Obama’s foreign policy—mostly isolationist—concluded with the
cover-up of the Benghazi attack that got a U.S. ambassador killed.
Most certainly, the nomination of former Senator Chuck Hagel has
raised the issue of competency to a whole new level. It is hard to
imagine a nominee less capable of running the Pentagon and less in tune
with events in a very dangerous world. Given his past votes and
statements, he reflects the President’s views. It’s bad news for Israel
and good news for our adversaries. Watch now as the Democrats, despite
misgivings and doubts, once again line up with the President to impose
another bad decision on the nation.
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