Dear President Enrique Pena Nieto,
Please be advised this is a open letter requesting you to step up to the plate and release Jon Hammer Jr from Mexican custody. Mr Hammer is a former US Marine and who is being held on trumped up 'false' charges, we all are aware that Mexico has a bad reputation of being a corrupt Government...this is your chance to prove to the world that your administration will put a end to the corruption and human abuse that runs rampant within the borders of Mexico and the internal workings of the Government
I am very familiar with the workings of Mexican Immigration and Customs having worked the Mexican border from 1975-1986 with the US Customs Service as a Patrol Officer and later as a Regional Intelligence as well as I know corruption and extortion run deep within the Mexican Government!
This is your chance it is almost Christmas and a present to Mr Hammer's family would be greatly appreciated..Release Mr Hammer now!
The father of a U.S. Marine jailed in Mexico after being caught with his grandfather's antique shotgun heard the fear in his son's voice and felt helpless.
The phone call came at midnight from Mexico's notorious CEDES prison, where Jon Hammar Jr. has been held since August. The caller demanded $1,800, then put Hammar on to drive the point home.
"They're serious, Dad," Jon Hammar Sr. heard his son say. "I'll pay you back; they are going to kill me."

By Bryan Llenas
BROWNSVILLE, Texas – Held captive in one of Mexico's most infamous prisons, Marine Veteran Jon Hammar is seen chained to a bed in a new photo sent to the family from an anonymous Mexican email account.
"His eyes look a little lost," an emotional Olivia Hammar, his mother, told Fox News Latino. "It doesn't look like him. I feel like my blood pressure is through the roof."
The photo shows Hammar in solitary confinement inside the Matamoros state prison, nicknamed CEDES. A scraggly looking Hammar is seen shirtless and barefoot with a beard, jean shorts and with his feet over what appears to be grey crocs. He is sitting on an old twin-sized mattress in a room with chipped walls. A gallon of water and a refrigerator are seen to his right. Hammar is staring at the person taking the photo and does not appear to have any visible injuries.
It is the first photo released of Hammar since he and a friend were detained by Mexican authorities in August. The pair had crossed the border and handed the paperwork for the weapon to Mexican officials, but police ended up impounding their RV and jailing the men, saying it was illegal to carry that type of gun. Hammar's friend was later released because the gun did not belong to him.
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