
A judge mumbled his way through his no-go decision, a county attorney admitted that the canvassing board violated Florida’s sunshine laws, and the RPOF remained in transit from Tallahassee; but Colonel Allen West is still ALL IN. Election Supervisor Gertrude Walker went to the hospital as a 2-1 decision near midnight on Friday by the canvassing board determined a re-tabulation of ALL early votes has begun at 9 a.m. this morning.
Going in “for tests,” Walker may not be able to show up or have another presser to answer bourgeoning questions of what she knew and when she knew it about alleged discrepancies that could prevent Colonel West from meeting the automatic trigger of .5% for an automatic recount of ALL votes!
All week long, ordinary Florida citizens gathered in front of her office. A young man shouting into a white bullhorn led marching in military cadence to “What Do We Want?” “Recount now,” they shouted back.
“Beaver” from Ft. Lauderdale told me their flags are being flown upside down – an international maritime distress symbol. “If a ship was in distress, her flag was flown upside down. . .this country is in distress,” he added.
“When does 100% become 140%. . .how does that work?” one protestor asked. Another woman told me she turned over to the West team evidence of “stick ‘em notes (allegedly) pasted on ballots in a town south of here that said ‘Ignore Allen West!’” Rumors abound; and with Walker out of commission, we can’t verify whether or not Nancy Pelosi called her (allegedly) to say, “Don’t Let Them Win!”
A beautiful, tall black poodle named Jessie marched with her owner who told me “We’re sending out a message to the country from Palm Beach Gardens.”
Now The is reporting on the supervisor’s overt black activism. “Gertrude Walker was among very few public officials to voice support for fellow black Miriam Oliphant, a disgraced Broward County Supervisor of Elections fired for incompetence.”
The League of Women Voters, Head Start, and a Dr. Martin Luther King Committee have had Walker’s backing. In office since 1980, she reportedly collects a DROP (deferred retirement option plan) that with her salary could add up to a $17,000/month take-home salary paid for gratis local taxpayers. Her $110,000 salary continues because she was re-elected unopposed. She denied having a conflict of interest; even though she appeared on a ballot, she now is supervising a re-count because of its challenged votes! (Note: The additional DROP income may or may not be exact, but getting reality out of what is going on is a challenge.)
Trembling St. Lucie County Attorney Dan McIntyre looked bad when he told me “The public hearing was not advertised. . .Improper notice. . .no 24 hour notice (was given)” when the Board met to decide on the earlier re- count. His hands shook as he read case law to the judge. “Now we are getting sued by both sides.”
An urgent midnight call by a St. Lucie County GOP commenter called for volunteers to show up 9 a.m. for the new recount of ALL early votes at the Orange Blossom Mall on Okeechobee Rd,-Rt. 70 east off of I 95. Listen for the roars of the marchers. Call Brittany (970-379-2919) or Nina (772-834-2332), says this post. A new tabulation of all eight early voting days starts now unless Patrick Murphy’s lawyers can block it!

A judge mumbled his way through his no-go decision, a county attorney admitted that the canvassing board violated Florida’s sunshine laws, and the RPOF remained in transit from Tallahassee; but Colonel Allen West is still ALL IN. Election Supervisor Gertrude Walker went to the hospital as a 2-1 decision near midnight on Friday by the canvassing board determined a re-tabulation of ALL early votes has begun at 9 a.m. this morning.
Going in “for tests,” Walker may not be able to show up or have another presser to answer bourgeoning questions of what she knew and when she knew it about alleged discrepancies that could prevent Colonel West from meeting the automatic trigger of .5% for an automatic recount of ALL votes!
All week long, ordinary Florida citizens gathered in front of her office. A young man shouting into a white bullhorn led marching in military cadence to “What Do We Want?” “Recount now,” they shouted back.
“Beaver” from Ft. Lauderdale told me their flags are being flown upside down – an international maritime distress symbol. “If a ship was in distress, her flag was flown upside down. . .this country is in distress,” he added.
“When does 100% become 140%. . .how does that work?” one protestor asked. Another woman told me she turned over to the West team evidence of “stick ‘em notes (allegedly) pasted on ballots in a town south of here that said ‘Ignore Allen West!’” Rumors abound; and with Walker out of commission, we can’t verify whether or not Nancy Pelosi called her (allegedly) to say, “Don’t Let Them Win!”
A beautiful, tall black poodle named Jessie marched with her owner who told me “We’re sending out a message to the country from Palm Beach Gardens.”
Now The is reporting on the supervisor’s overt black activism. “Gertrude Walker was among very few public officials to voice support for fellow black Miriam Oliphant, a disgraced Broward County Supervisor of Elections fired for incompetence.”
The League of Women Voters, Head Start, and a Dr. Martin Luther King Committee have had Walker’s backing. In office since 1980, she reportedly collects a DROP (deferred retirement option plan) that with her salary could add up to a $17,000/month take-home salary paid for gratis local taxpayers. Her $110,000 salary continues because she was re-elected unopposed. She denied having a conflict of interest; even though she appeared on a ballot, she now is supervising a re-count because of its challenged votes! (Note: The additional DROP income may or may not be exact, but getting reality out of what is going on is a challenge.)
Trembling St. Lucie County Attorney Dan McIntyre looked bad when he told me “The public hearing was not advertised. . .Improper notice. . .no 24 hour notice (was given)” when the Board met to decide on the earlier re- count. His hands shook as he read case law to the judge. “Now we are getting sued by both sides.”
An urgent midnight call by a St. Lucie County GOP commenter called for volunteers to show up 9 a.m. for the new recount of ALL early votes at the Orange Blossom Mall on Okeechobee Rd,-Rt. 70 east off of I 95. Listen for the roars of the marchers. Call Brittany (970-379-2919) or Nina (772-834-2332), says this post. A new tabulation of all eight early voting days starts now unless Patrick Murphy’s lawyers can block it!
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