TO: The Members Of The Republican Leadership Of The United States Senate And The United States House Of Representatives: The Hon. Mitch McConnell, The Hon. John A. Boehner, The Hon. John Barrasso, The Hon. Roy Blunt, The Hon. Eric Cantor, The Hon. Jeb Hensarling, The Hon. Jon Kyl, The Hon. Kevin McCarthy, The Hon. Tom Price, The Hon. John Thune

RE: Stop Compromising And Start Impeaching!
The American people are sick and tired of your cowardice and your betrayals. When are you going to learn that you'll never find "common ground" with a man who is attempting to destroy the United States of America? When are you going to realize that Barack Obama doesn't care that you want him "to lead" because he's come to plunder?
When are you going to realize that Mitt Romney didn't lose the presidential election because Republicans were "too extreme," but because patriotic Americans stayed home on election day out of disgust over Republican refusals to stand up to Barack Obama's unconstitutional and dictatorial usurpations of power, his ineligibility to hold the office of President of the United States and his supreme incompetence on matters like Benghazi-gate?
Stop listening to your friends in the liberal media and start listening to the American people. The days of appeasement and compromise and capitulation in Washington are over and if you fail to get with the program your political careers will be over as well.
Stop compromising and start impeaching. If you fail to comply with that simple directive immediately, patriotic Americans will rise up and start lobbying true conservatives to challenge you for the leadership positions in your respective houses; thereby putting an end to your careers and the power which you so cherish yet fail to properly wield!
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