
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Mr Roberts, The Constitution?

John Roberts 2 SC Mr Roberts, the Constitution?

Obamacare’s “mandate has been ruled constitutional because it is a “TAX”. There are, however, several problems with that declaration by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. First, Obama and his administration zombies publically denied that the mandate was a tax. When Little George on ABC News questioned Obama back in 2009, Obama himself stated that it was NOT a tax. He LIED! When Obama’s Solicitor General went before the Supreme Court earlier this year, he argued that it was a tax! NOW the Obama White House is trying to say that the mandate is not a tax again, but a penalty?? Why, you may ask? Well, maybe for a couple of reasons.

In order for the mandate to be a tax, it would have had to originate in the House of Representatives to be constitutional. It originated in the Senate, making it unconstitutional. Obama adamantly denied that it was a tax to both Congress and the American people. The Democrats deliberately did not give anyone the time to read the bill thoroughly because if they had, it would have revealed what it really is: the largest tax hike in American history. It also would have revealed Obama as the liar that he is by exposing his mandate as an unconstitutionally conceived tax on everyone.
I believe that the SOCIALIST PROGRESSIVES posing as Democrats now need to pay for contraceptive devices for the intercourse they are about to experience. The elderly, the disabled, and the chronically ill are going to see their benefits and their care reduced, probably even rationed. The joyful part is that the lives of those of us with multiple health problems will probably not be allowed to live to a ripe old age because we will be deemed too much of a financial burden by whatever bean-counters Obama appoints to his health board. You simply cannot take a health care pie, which is already seriously underfunded, and add 20 million more slices to it without a MASSIVE influx of revenue to make it work. If you doubt me, get a hold of the American Center for Law and Justice or the Heritage Foundation and ask them if they can send you information that explains what’s about to happen. Please do not take my word for it; educated yourself, and you’ll be one better than your Congressional representatives.

I have another question for Chief Justice Roberts: why did you not force Justice Elena Kagen to recuse herself from this case since she had legal input into the substance of this law as Solicitor General in Obama’s administration? Seems like if there is even the appearance of conflict of interest, a Justice should have enough ethical background to recuse him or herself, and if not, Chief Justice, it should be your duty to do it for them. Don’t tell me that the Supreme Court of the United States finds questions of ethics and morality repugnant. The square peg of the mandate didn’t fit into the round hole of the Constitution, Mr. Roberts, until you took your judicial activist saw and made it fit, sir. This will be the legacy of the Roberts court.
The Obama administration lied to the American public about their compassionate, caring, all-encompassing health care law, when in fact it is none of these things. Everyone, including those about to be added, are going to be cheated out of the health care they deserve because the Great Deceiver lied to us all. Obama said no one’s taxes but the rich would go up; the Great Deceiver lied again. The GREAT Deceiver told our most vulnerable citizens that Republicans were going to throw them off the cliff when he, himself, had already started that process by taking over $700 BILLION out of both Medicare and Social Security to pay for his “new health care”! Don’t believe me? Find those two web sites, and look up the provisions of the law yourself.

I know that when you go to the polls in November that there is one thing you can count on Obama to deliver…….deception! This man and his cronies have just pulled off one of the biggest frauds ever committed against America and her people……….and they’re laughing about it! Happy 4th of July, and enjoy your freedom while you still have some. May God forgive us and bless this nation and its people before it is too late.
Oh, and one more thing: give all those people that you love in your life that have chronic and/or serious health problems  a little extra love this holiday season because if Obamacare kicks in fully, the government may just decide that they are not worth financially keeping around. It has become sheer insanity when you life’s worth is determined by an accountant.
Photo Credit: McConnell Center (Creative Commons)

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