
Monday, May 14, 2012

Is Obama’s Communist Regime Starting To Crack?

by: Tim Powers
As he has been doing for the past four years,Obama is criss-crossing the United States on the taxpayer dime in hopes of finding support for his failed policies and re-election. Unfortunately for him,the lack lustre of his last campaign has worn off. Now he speaks at half full venues and only to college age skulls full of mush who have no grasp of American history thanks to a liberal education.
He had to change his travel plans recently when he came to Albany, NY. He was scheduled to give a speech at the new Global Foundries chip plant in upstate New York,whom,by the way,had received millions of dollars in tax incentives to locate there. It was decided that Global Foundries was not a good venue because it is a foreign owned company and therefore,his speech was relocated to the State University at Albany nanotech campus. Upon his arrival in Albany,roads were shut down for miles around. Traffic was a nightmare,just so the NY Liberal elites could rub shoulders with him for an hour.

The funny thing about this was that there was barely a blip on the mainstream media radar. We often hear about his cronies fainting in the room when the “anointed one” is near,but I think it is due to the foul stench that he brings with him.
For someone who is constantly condemning the rich,he sure does not have a problem getting cozy with them when it’s time to raise money. He must be feeling the pinch when bumbling Joe Biden forces his “evolution” (flip-flopping) on the gay marrige issue. After Obama finally came out of the closet on this issue,he received one million dollars in ninety minutes for his campaign coffers.

 My question is, can this president be bought? And how much does it take? It has become abundantly clear that Obama is not driven by a love for America and American exeptionalism,but by power and greed. This shift in the American elctorate is being realized by the regime and I think they are starting to sweat. Just as I called for in a previous article,the conservative talk show hosts are starting to all get on the same page and do what the media should have done back in 2007. The vetting of Barack Hussein Obama. Stay safe and always be aware of your surroundings.

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